Experience needed - GRD IV or GR


Goran Begoña
Local time
11:19 PM
Jan 23, 2010
Hi guys

I am shooting for a while with Ricoh GR and I have to admit it is great camera. Because of my style of shooting I am thinking about replacing it with GRD IV but as I do not have a chance to try it I would like to hear your opinion.

Reasons why to change to GRDIV are:

1) I am shooting using zone focusing, smaller focal length deeper depth of field. 6mm lens on GRDIV against 18.3mm on GR. At the end I get same depth of field (1m to infinity) on f/2.8 on GRD as f/8 on GR (if focused on 2m)

2) I like shooting during the night so 1) makes more sense as I can have GRD on f2.8 and get enough light and enough depth of field. Maximum ISO I use is 3200. f8 and ISO3200 on GR gives me very slow shutter speed during the night shooting

3) Although I do not use autofocus, I heard that GRD's "rangefinder" helps a lot in low light situation

Only minus I see here is 10mpx against 16mpx which gives less space for reframing in post process. With IQ I am satisfy as I like non perfect, high contrast, film look.

So guys, what you think?

I used to shoot with a GRD IV then moved onto the GR. One thing to remember is that the sensor of the GRD IV is 4:3 ratio. It can be setup to shoot in 3:2 ratio but this is just cropping the image, and means you only get about 9MP images rather than 10MP.

I did enjoy the better close focusing range of the GRD IV, as well as the f1.9 lens. The camera produced good photographs in all lighting conditions, but I prefer the GR.
I've had the GRD I, the GRD III, the GR and the GR II (current).

I like the images from the III but I think one thing that sometimes isn't appreciated with larger sensors is the improved dynamic range and "airiness" for lack of a better word, in the images. They feel a little less compressed and the colors are more accurate and exhibit more tonal range.

With the III I mostly shot jpegs, with the GR I always shoot Raw.

Personally I wouldn't go backward. The improved image quality of the larger sensor more than compensates for the reduced aperture.

If you are shooting only black and whites, this might not not be a factor as the crunchiness of the older GRs loan themselves to black and white, perhaps a little more than the newer cameras.
So seems like GR is better choice...I would like to try GRDIV but £250 is a lot just to try