Explain your avatar...

A chimp at Oji zoo in Kobe (originally holding a leaf).
long exposure evening shot in Death Valley, and then a stick figure
crawled out of my body and climbed up on the rock to pose

Rickenbacker 360 Jetglo
Picture of my father taken in a coffee shop with a Konica Hexar AF. Great lens on that camera. If the aperture, shutter speed, and manual focus controls on that camera were traditional dials instead of push buttons, it might have been the perfect camera for me.

This is another picture that i really like.The focus of your fathers gaze,the tilt of his head and the reflection from his glasses draw the viewer in.Well done.
So what's to explain?

I've only attempted to change it once and under some pressure reverted back to type one ... seems I'm stuck with this image of the archetypal Aussie! :p

Oh yes ... and interestingly the camera is my M2 which is now my only M mount film rangefinder. It's as glued to me as that image seems to be! :D
One of the first pictures I ever took that I still have the negative from - it's about 20 years ago and it's my brother kicking a football at me! I think I have gotten a tiny bit better at photography since, at least now I tend to make sure my finger isn't over the lens... most of the time :)

Oh, I only actually got it developed a few weeks ago, it was sitting in the camera (an old Kodak Instamatic or similar) the whole time since it was taken all those years ago!
I have a photo rather like that somewhere - the first I ever took too.

My avatar is a selfie I took with a little Leica point and shoot digital just outside of Quilpie in western Queensland. It's a few years old now. I like it because it shows the open featureless landscape out there.
Several years ago I had an email address on some Google group that began to be filled with porn pics by the hundreds. They were IMO degrading and I hated them. I then hit on the idea to pshop them.. after all, they were free images of models who were often beautiful women though in absurdly vulgar images. So, I reduced some into the very simplest B&W images that seemed to catch something else. Maybe I was a little bored then, I don't know, trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
Wim by wim_b, on Flickr[/IMG]

This was made for the course I attended at KASKA. The assignment was "Make a self portrait of what you are not" The facial hair was grown for this purpose.