Fear and Loathing.

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I believe it's a spin-off to this thread...

Indeed it must be. Attwo seems determined to pick a fight, and to come as close to personal insult as he dares, because he has a problem with the word 'Leicaphobia' and prefers his own interpretation of the English language to that of the Oxford English Dictionary. 'Morbid fear' is his personal fantasy. Which is why I've put him on ignore.


I'm not that sure about Audi these days, a lot of them seem to have ex-BMW drivers behind the wheel ...

Being emotional about brands is just silly, and bad for the consumer since it limits competition. Plus, do we really give the right emotions to the brand, or do we follow successful marketing, feel what others tell us to ?

Take "Audi" for instance. Latin (imperative) for "Listen", or in German "Horch". You might want to check on war-time Horch cars and see who in Germany loved the brand ....

I find it's sometimes impossible not to poke fun at some of the brand cheerleaders, they take it all so seriously, I have on occasion had to make fun of stuff I actually use myself
no news here...move along folks...

Actually I think the whole idea behind this thread is incredible silly and can't see how anyone could take it seriously. But my past experience on other forums make realize just how seriously some people do take it
Being emotional about brands is just silly, and bad for the consumer since it limits competition. Plus, do we really give the right emotions to the brand, or do we follow successful marketing, feel what others tell us to ?

Take "Audi" for instance. Latin (imperative) for "Listen", or in German "Horch". You might want to check on war-time Horch cars and see who in Germany loved the brand ....


It's not that, at one time, in the UK, if one was always BMW drivers that overtook on bends or drove right up one's chuff in traffic whereas but these days it's more likely to be an Audi as anything
Indeed it must be. Attwo seems determined to pick a fight, and to come as close to personal insult as he dares, because he has a problem with the word 'Leicaphobia' and prefers his own interpretation of the English language to that of the Oxford English Dictionary. 'Morbid fear' is his personal fantasy. Which is why I've put him on ignore.



I'm far from wanting a fight or insults. Simply trying to get a feeling of the general ambiance here.

FrankS has explained the situation vis a vis "anti Leica" attitude on internet photo forums of which I was unaware.

I'm a long time Leica user myself though I've never experienced the negative encounters cited by yourself.

Stay cool and don't worry too much. I'm sure Leica can defend themselves.
It's not that, at one time, in the UK, if one was always BMW drivers that overtook on bends or drove right up one's chuff in traffic whereas but these days it's more likely to be an Audi as anything

No problem at all, Stewart - should have quoted post #2. I was just taking Audi as an example of successful re-branding, since Horch was Hitler's favorite. And today, nobody cares.
I think you have to ask yourselves what kind of place you want RFF to be.
Fun and entertaining (but not at another's expense), informative, helpful, positive, friendly. Those would be my goals.
Anyone who has read camera forums over the last 5 years surely has read anti-Leica posts which range from the mild and rational (I prefer brand X more than Leica because...) to the extreme and irrational (Leica owners are more interested in buying bling/jewelry than photography, they are fondlers and posers, they have more money than brains to pay so much....).

The anti-Leica attitude was seen strongly in the strangest place: the Leica forum at PNet. The lovable late Al Kaplan, a life-long Leica user was chased and banished from Pnet for his defense of Leica use. The positive out of that was that he ended up here at RFF and found a friendlier place.

Anti-Leica attitude reached a crescendo with the introduction of the M8 and the issues it had. For some reason, an M8 thread at RFF released such strong emotions (pro and con) that moderators were busiest trying to keep M8 threads from getting out of control and disintegrating into personal attacks.

I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums. This is what Roger is referring to.

Frank, I for one appreciate this brief "summary."

I haven't been on the photography community (off- or online) *that* long to experience all that, although knowing basic human nature, I kinda suspected it :)
I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums.

I really don't dislike anyone's choice of camera (although I wonder why anyone would attempt serious imaging with a Holga or Lomo) as I believe that what works for me might not work for others and vice versa.

However, back when I was getting into photography, I admit to some envy of those who could afford a Leica or a Nikon, and I was also quick to notice the vanity and narcissism (which I perceived, anyway) of some of those who possessed a Leica or Nikon. I considered some who used (and flaunted) a Leica or Nikon to be oh-so-stuck-on-themselves and also on their cameras.

The brand loyalty appeared to be carried to an extreme, and when the users rubbed it in the face of those of us who did not use "their brand", it was annoying, I admit.

Oh well ...
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