Fed-4 disassembly


Local time
6:52 PM
Aug 5, 2018
I have a Fed-4 in pristine condition, even the selenium meter is accurate against a digital meter. I got it for almost nothing.

Trouble is, shutter doesn't have any effect, winding lever works with effective cocking so trigger button can be released, but curtain doesn't move.

So I have removed the top, thinking this would be an easy fix, probably pin/notch and release lever off.
In fact it seems to be a loose ribbon of the 1st curtain, it stays rolled on, 2nd curtain works.


small video:

when I found the ribbon inside the crate, I was surprised, I had expected some fabric crinkle but it looks very nice.

Anyway, I looked into Maizenberg and he didn't deal with the Fed-4.

The winding lever top screw came off nicely, but I struggled to undo the on the exposure calculator, it spins endlessly on place without unscrewing. And all of a sudden I had the intuition that it is just a calculator wheel, holds into nothing under the top, and that I must have been lucky the top screw didn't come off.
So I just removed the four screws (2 in front, 2 back) retaining the cover. And here I was wondering if some magic was needed in order to get off from the rewinding wheel:

no magic, but pull the cover very strongly. Well. The inner washer around the diopter adjustment of the eyepiece went flying somewhere, as well as the small glass in front of the rangefinder. But lucky again, I found them.

So it looks like my Fed-3a basically:

the slow speed clock is encased in a different shell. Top the Fed-4, bottom left the Zorki-4, bottom right the Fed-3a:

not interchangeable , the one of the Fed-4 is screwed on 3 small support on the body:


anyway I have to reach to the curtains and rollers.
I started unscrewing the rangefinder thinking there may be some hidden screw holding the crate but nothing, so I tried to find some doc in order to avoid unneeded mess, and found a curtain disassembly presentation for the Fed-3b here:

Thought it could be of some use to others.