First print ad for Hasselblad Lunar


Local time
5:32 PM
Jun 15, 2004
Well I just saw my first print ad for the "Hasselblad Lunar" ie: Nex 7 in todays Financial Times, they have a insert magazine named appropriately "How to Spend It"

Full page in color, with a warm brown tone leather cover for the hand grip and a background of very expensive looking brown leather Retro women's high heeled boots. The tag line is "Beauty is in The Composition"

Well at least they seem to going for the right market!!!!!? I wonder how many they will sell.

LOL, Hilarious ad. It might as well be a purse, a glass of scotch, or a set of trousers. I can't imagine the greedy mind who came up with this product.

It reminds me of Fight Club when they sell boutique soap bars to merchandisers made from the fat of liposuction procedures.

Bar of Soap= Lunar
Raw material= soon to be discontinued NOS Sony NEX-7s.
Price: Cosmos.
I bet the ad people fought for this campaign. Success would be the equivalent of getting to Mars without leaving the Earth. All in the mind!
Now I finally understand the logic behind the Lunar; it's not even intended as a camera! It's a prop for ads to sell other goods. The leather finished ones to sell boots, mahogany finish for spicing up ads for wooden golf clubs. And those with the rubber grips for selling, well, let's call them recreational goods..