Freebie for a gearhead



Cool subforum - about time :D

I recently found a Contax mount I-61 that I started working on once upon a time. J-8 housing and the optics module from an I-61L/D. I never could get it to adjust correctly for me so it's free to any gearhead who wants to finish the project. Just remember me if you find some cheap oddball for an LTM camera (a prewar uncoated Sonnar 50/2 optics module for my J-8 for example? :angel: )

But seriously, it needs to get somewhere & get used.

On the subject of freebees

On the subject of freebees

I have a large collection of old photographic junk - collected over many years my myself and my father. Mostly old rusty folders, cases and M42 equipment.
If I get a list together and some pics is it worth while offering on here for either the postage cost or a donation to charity?
There might be something of use to someone.. I have tested a few and use the ones that work best..

Gary H
RFF has a "want to trade", "want to buy", and "free for Postage" section in the Classified section. These ads are free, and would be a good place to start. A lot of DIY repair and tinkerers out there. I've seen people hacking digital cameras onto some old folders.

On the original topic: that I-61L/D is now a Collapsible Mount lens for the Contax. I will be posting the How-To over the next week. Not today though- 90F and Pool Party Time.