FSU rangefinder recommendation

I don't think built-in meter is realistic on the FSU cameras - most cameras don't have them, and on those that do, they're old enough they probably won't work.

Ironically, the meters on earlier Kievs often do, while later ones are almost generally dead - they seem to have made some "improvement" by the mid sixties that reduced their longevity. But even good on-FSU camera meters have a very limited range and pretty random angle of incidence, and are barely more useful than going by sunny 16.
The Zorki 3M has the diopter adjustment, and a 1x viewfinder. The diopter adjust has a good range on it.

each of us has his own opinion about the "best" RF camera from the former USSR. This depends on success, unsuccess etc. while using them and their lenses.

Since many, many years, I have my Kiev RF outfit (along with a Contax II belonged to my grandfather): it gave me any satisfaction and now, in the time of everything-digital I like using it, for its wonderful (IMO), fast Jupiter-3, its old-fashioned 85/2, etc, besides the quiet and smoothly-working metal shutter.

I agree that a FED-2 could also be a good choice, especially for Leica-oriented enthusiasts.

Best wishes,

Elmar Lang
The choice of shutter curtain material on the Fed 2 is not as durable as the other FSU cameras that I have. Like the Nicca and Minolta rangefinders, my Fed2's have a lot of leaks from deterioration of the shutter curtains. These can be replaced, but will cost more than the camera.
The CV 21mm lens will "fit" on the Kiev body, but it's actually designed to focus properly on the Nikon RF body. The focus will be off if you use it on FSU (or Contax) bodies but CV apparently is relying on depth of field with the smaller apertures to take care of the focus.

Nikon has almost the same external mount register as Contax/Kiev, the difference is within production tolerances (beware, the internal mount register and internal helicoid travel both are different, so normals are yet another matter). But for whatever reason, Nikon has a different angular range - at infinity, they are the same, but external mount lenses from the respectively other system get misfocused by about 5% at the short end. This is irrelevant for wides, where it is negligible (except for the rare few ultra-fast wides ever made for any Contax derived mount - but these are in a price range where you should be able to dedicate its own Nikon SP body to that lens), but it affects all long lenses.
Ironically, the meters on earlier Kievs often do, while later ones are almost generally dead - they seem to have made some "improvement" by the mid sixties that reduced their longevity. But even good on-FSU camera meters have a very limited range and pretty random angle of incidence, and are barely more useful than going by sunny 16.

Thanks, you expressed this better than I did. It's not that older ones don't work (or that newer ones do), just that sunny 16 is almost as good as a meter for basic situations. And in difficult situations, you still need a better meter or a very good feel for what works.
Thank you all

Thank you all


Apologies if I misinterpreted, and no need to get upset.

You have conflicting desires/goals/means - like most of us do :rolleyes:. You want a rangefinder, so by all means, get a rangefinder.......

And I've no disagreement with the reasons you like the FSU RFs - they feel great and solid, and I like using them. They're not for everybody buy may be right for you.

No need to apologize,I didn't get upset,I just was trying to prove a point:It is not a first film camera I'm looking for:).
And you're right,I have my reasons to want a FSU RF.
But I don't have conflicting desires/goals/means.What are those,if I may ask?:rolleyes:
Thank you all for providing such valuable advice and information in all the choices I have based in your own likes/opinions/experiences.Certainly you do know what you have and know about FSU and photography in general.
Juan and others,the idea of posting an ad in the WTB section and/or to put "I wand to buy a FSU rangefinder"in my signatures are ideal ones and I believe that it will be true that here I will find a better,cheaper camera and lens(es) with less hassle.
My problem is that at this moment I'm not ready yet to buy it,I'm compiling information to make the right decision in 2,3 or 6 months,I don't know how long will take me.
Christmas are almost here and I have 2 sons and 1 daughter and my mother to buy them gifts.My financial situation at the moment is not the best at this point.
If I start selling some of my watercolor paintings in the near future,it might improve,if not it won't.
So saving for a good,inexpensive camera with a 50mm lens will take me some months.I'm not ambitious about lenses.Later on,a 35mm,then a 85mm, and maybe-not sure-in a year o two a 21mm and longer telephoto at best.If I chose a camera without a good lightmeter or without one,I might buy later a good used and inexpensive hand-held one.That's it.
That is the reason I don't post in WTB now and won't change my signature yet.
I think I over-explained some facts about my personal life that are not pertaining to this forum,but I just wanted to explain why I'm not buying now.
I'm a person that want and always collect information about what interest me first.Heck,I might know more about history of painting,past and presents than my modest skills as an amateur one are.:bang:
Juan,pintas tambien?Creo que lei algo en tu mensaje sobre pintura.:D


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