fuji porn!

Done Five Fuji GX680 lenses converted to PLaubel Peco Jr by Nokton48, on Flickr

Been working on these five Fuji Gx680 (first I converted them to Plaubel Makiflex Barrel Mount Lenses). When my two Plaubel Peco Junior cameras came in, I decided to convert these lenses, adding modern Seiko Shutters from the Fuji 210mm and 250mm WS series of lenses. All good even the f/stop scales will work good without modifications. These are 90's era cutting edge glass for the Fuji GX680, used for studio and professional use. From left to right, Peco Junior focused at infinity, with 65mm F5.6 GX680. Amazing to look through! Next the 80mm F5.6 GX680, then the 100mm F5.6 GX680, then the 125mm F3.2 Uber Glass. Best of the Best, they also make a F5.6 model. Finally the other Peco Jr, focused at infinity with the 180mm F3.2 GX680. Some portrait photographers say this lens is TOO sharp for portraiture, subjects complain. LOL All these lenses have Beeg image circles, allowing for full use of the Peco Junior's front and back movements. So the best lenses from that era, combined with the tiniest most precise view camera ever made. What a match-up! Can't wait to take out a small bag, small tripod, and try out all this new stuff. In the foreground is the new shorty sawed-off focusing rail, great with the really wide older lenses.
On vacation in the snow country of Gunma Prefecture
My travel rig: Fujifilm X100V and a bottle of inexpensive Chilean wine
Regretably this bottle of Merlot is now empty​

Image taken with my other travel camera - Fujifilm XF10
Astia Film Simulation
Manza Onsen, Gunma prefecture, Japan - February, 2023
Image resized smaller than original​