Fuji Pro X1

About $1900 or so US? Not bad, but it better be significantly more robust than the X100 at that price (especially with a crop). The key though is how much are its lenses going to cost.
Given the rumor mill preceding the X100 launch, we should expect to know much more within the week.

Camera/Lens, assuming that this is a leak from Fuji, should be $2400-$2900. That price range should tame the early adopter rush. Anyway, the early purchase of the X100 was a no-brainer for me, but at this price I will probably hold off until we get some good user feedback. Besides, my wife has finally had it with my photo equipment spending. Need to sell..
Would have to sell most of my cameras to get it. That means the GA645W would have to go. Zero chance!:eek: Seriously, though; so glad Fuji is putting out this camera. Gives the market a kick in the ass!
I'm very interested in this camera but I've just bought an X10 as my "go-anywhere" digital camera, and I'm wondering what (apart from being digital) the new Fuji will do that my M6 won't.
I'm sure it will be very good for what it is, but different enough or better enough to cause me to open my wallet? Have to wait another week or two to see.
well, it will be adaptable to shoot just about any lens ever made for one thing, and if its anything like the x100 it will allow you to shoot those lenses at 3200 and produce images as good as the best film cam using 400. the only negative i forsee vs film cam is that it will most probably not be fullframe. i do not enjoy shooting my lenses at some factor more than they were intended.
i dont know JS, honestly i think it'd be pretty darn close. at 800 it would be no contest. tbh ive never before seen consistent 3200 performance like the x100.
Looks interesting on the paper. Now let's hope they didn't screw up the firmware like the X100 is.

Also I wonder how it will work with 3rd party lenses and the optical viewfinder.
Looks interesting on the paper. Now let's hope they didn't screw up the firmware like the X100 is.

Really... Mine must be some magical one that works properly or something - like the bigfoot of the x100 world - because it works perfectly.
Really... Mine must be some magical one that works properly or something - like the bigfoot of the x100 world - because it works perfectly.

put mine down as another 'bigfoot'! never given me a moment's trouble. also, AF misses less than 5% of the time. yeah its a 'slow' cam, but nothing's perfect, except the images i get from it!
i dont know JS, honestly i think it'd be pretty darn close. at 800 it would be no contest. tbh ive never before seen consistent 3200 performance like the x100.

The dynamic range isn't there at 3200 for it to be on par with 400 speed film. Now, is it better than 3200 speed film... no doubt.
Some details about the cameras sensor, as well as pics and info on the initial lens line.
To my eyes this almost looks more like a digital M than a real digital M