fuji X beauty

back alley

Local time
5:58 AM
Jul 30, 2003
many other cameras/brands are featured on the pages of rff...so why not our beautiful fuji x cameras...

let's start our own thread and show off the fuji x cameras...but only the x cameras in this thread...ok?

x100 when it was first released

added a lens hood shortly thereafter

treated me well until I picked up an X-Pro 1



which I actually didn't like and sold pretty quickly.

Have my pre-order in for the x100s. Can't wait for it.
that engraving looks so cool!

Thanks, Joe. I didn't like that blank spot on the front of the camera, so I started thinking about something akin to the Leica 'dot'. But I wanted something that meant something to me personally, as I intended this 'tagging' of my camera to help me stop buying into the next great piece of gear. (I thought that the fact that it might be difficult to sell the camera once I had it engraved.) Coincidentally at the time I got the camera, I came across some writing about the Japanese philosophy commonly called wabi-sabi. Its sort of the appreciation of things humble, of the beauty in simple things, rustic things.

The engraving is the Kanji symbols for wabi and sabi. I had it done by a company here in Oakland that does laser engraving.
Hmmm, hit a raw nerve there Joe. Busy using the X-E1 to take pictures of all else, my other cameras included, that I have forgotten to take a proper one of the camera itself. Poor thing.
Hmmm, hit a raw nerve there Joe. Busy using the X-E1 to take pictures of all else, my other cameras included, that I have forgotten to take a proper one of the camera itself. Poor thing.

How do you like using the camera with Voigtlander 28mm lens? Focusing? Image quality? Thanks.