Fuji X Pro 1 improved AF speed


Local time
11:39 PM
Oct 22, 2006
I saw a debate about this in the leak thread, but thought I should start a new one rather than have this info buried. Dan Carr felt the AF was improved over the x100 and the rep says "much improved" from X100 when using point AF mode.

We have a month or so to go before anyone actually has the camera in hand and can with any knowledge comment on anything regarding this camera.

That is what the marketing people and few friendly reviewers are saying. They are paid to lie. It is all just a giant infomercial right now, nothing is actually what they say it is. Could be better, could be worst.
You would expect it to be better, but how much better is the question. The more complex design has potential for other problems, so as people have already sait, it has the potential to be amazing, but might end up being a missed opportunity. Time will tell.
Photo Rumors has posted a pretty good 2+ minute video of AF speed and accuracy taken at CES. From this it appears to be much improved. So much so that it now has me thinking which lens I should start off with - the 35mm or the 18mm.