Fujifilm Superia X-Tra 800


Local time
2:53 PM
May 29, 2009
I didn't know this film, but when I saw it for sale at 2 pounds in a London shop only because it was expired since a couple of months I decided to buy a couple of rolls to try it out.
I must say I am very pleased by the results! I shot the following photos in a "Hi-Fi" fair in Rome. If only I knew the results were going to be so good, I would have bought so many more rolls!





(M6 TTL + Summicron 50mm f2)
I think is is the best bargain in film--4 packs of 24 exposure rolls cost $10.99 in my neck of the woods. Your pictures look great, I especially like the first one.
I use this quite often. Very good performance under available light and mixed light.

I seems to handle mixed incandescent/fluorescent/etc. much better than many colo(u)r films do.
Thanks guys!

I seems to handle mixed incandescent/fluorescent/etc. much better than many colo(u)r films do.

That's exactly the same impression I've got, there is little if none post-processing in those pictures, the colours came out just right!
That's exactly the same impression I've got, there is little if none post-processing in those pictures, the colours came out just right!

They tell me (the ubiquitous "they") that it's the 4th color layer that's responsible for the ability to work well in mixed light. They say that it's not just marketing hype!
Do you shoot it at 800, or rate it a bit slower? I've tried Superia 800 before using aperture-priority on my F4 (that was before I started shooting full manual), and I found the grain unbearable. I must've been doing something wrong…
Do you shoot it at 800, or rate it a bit slower? I've tried Superia 800 before using aperture-priority on my F4 (that was before I started shooting full manual), and I found the grain unbearable. I must've been doing something wrong…

I shot it at 800, and was surprised at how unnoticeable the grain is.
I think the lab did a good job this time.
I found the grain unbearable. I must've been doing something wrong…

You might be underexposing. I've found the Fuji 800 to have very reasonable grain.

In this example you can see the grain if you're looking for it, but it's not objectionable.


This was the roll I shot right after I re-calibrated the GIII to extend the ASA/ISO range to 800.
I just realized I must have been on drugs or something yesterday! (Prematurely blonde?)

That photo above is Fuji 1600, not 800, taken after I recal'd for 1600.

Sorry {blush} :)
Dmr, nice photo with deep greens and reds. You said that you re-calibrated your GIII ISO range. How did you do that?
I just realized I must have been on drugs or something yesterday! (Prematurely blonde?)

That photo above is Fuji 1600, not 800, taken after I recal'd for 1600.

Sorry {blush} :)

That's amazing for 1600, but viewed at a very small size ;) I view my negatives scanned at 6MP at 100%.

I must've been underexposing. Maybe shooting dark coloured birds wasn't the smartest thing to do.

One of these days I'll try Superia again. For the past few months I've only been using Fuji Pro 400H.
The higher-speed Fuji films are actually very well performing. That one above looks almost like a day scene, but it was twilight, illuminated mostly from street lights, neon signs, and such. I've actually done a 13x19 print of one Fuji 800 scene I shot and the grain is not obvious unless you stand right up next to it.

These two are examples of Fuji 800 night shots:


The higher-speed Fuji films are actually very well performing. That one above looks almost like a day scene, but it was twilight, illuminated mostly from street lights, neon signs, and such. I've actually done a 13x19 print of one Fuji 800 scene I shot and the grain is not obvious unless you stand right up next to it.

These two are examples of Fuji 800 night shots:



By "Fuji 800" I assume you're talking about Superia and not 800Z?

I've shot Fuji Natura 1600 before (just one roll) and it was actually really nice for such a fast film.