Gallery Picks for the week ending Feb 4, 2013


Local time
11:40 PM
May 13, 2010
Gallery Picks is an opportunity for you to post a heads up to what you have seen during the past seven days at RFF that you like.
There's no membership requirement, no criteria (except past seven days), no voting, no limit to the number of photos mentioned, and everybody mentioned is a winner.

Anybody can start the thread on a Monday.

Anybody can join in, it's a community event!
Coming Home, Petardima

bali, Mlandweer

Love is everywhere, Jelico
Different time span by Teleparallel

Different time span by Teleparallel

I like the movement of every one else around her and the subject is standing still.
Dave S.
as disturbing for the sign as for the poor soul sleeping beneath it...

Deafgrip ... I wish the world didn't offer so many opportunities for this subject matter, but it does and this image is well done...

Harry Teasley ... in this weather, don't you find yourself wanting to walk through that door? I do. Nice light....

Ericzhu ... made this young skater look every bit as fast and agile as she is or maybe more so ... well capture motion and blur....

Eduoard ... I made two different pots of fish stew/soup this past week. I wonder if this image prompted that choice....

The new gallery seems to have attracted posters whose work I haven't seen before or least recently. I'm glad of that. This image presents a striking contrast between the women toiling at what appear to be some arduous labor while the young boy, apparently from a different class, shows indifference to them.
Existrandom... I like how this image at first had me thinking that the woman in the booth/building was resting her hands on the man's head, almost as if she was massaging his tried skull. But, no, that wasn't the truth. She's dialing a phone, oblivious while, around her, people are sleeping in the street.

Francois.Grivelet ... captures two women who are probably not pleased at the attention....

Jorge/MP Guy... a lovely, soulful street portrait....

Tigerphil, offering us some choices....
Bingley, I like the gradation of tones in this image. Not an easy one given the wide range of light values, but he's produced a nice image.

Btk1970 has produced a stunning series of images this week. This is the only one that is not totally abstracted. Most of them have frozen entropy for a moment to let us see surfaces deteriorating before our eyes. Lovely colors and textures in all of them. I had trouble choosing, so you get two picked at random. Check out the whole series....

The disconnection of these from their surroundings probably have many of us wondering about the context. What was this before the several layers of paint wore away? While I'm curious, I don't need to know in order to enjoy the images....
Petronius. I like the colors and composition here, but I must admit that what drew me to this image was the meticulousness of the work the man is doing and this sense that I have neither the patience nor flexibility to stoop down to paint as he is here.

Moss1310. I like the graphic design of this picture. So very simple. I'd personally be inclined to crop out those legs from the third person in the frame.

Lcpr .... I wonder what this fellow is thinking, lost in thought as he seems to be....

Gsrwbrick ... a really nice series from a velodrome. This one was the strongest for me, though I also like the next one a Keirin race rolling along to the sprint ....

Jucas ... everyone here is in their own little world. Different planes in the image; different planes in their lives....

Rhl-Oregon ... positing a Manichean choice....

Another from RHL-Oregon ... a mystery, this one....

GHO ... begging the question of where this bike will go next.... The lighting is what caught my eye.
Semrich. Are these sheep snouts smiling or sneering at us, I wonder. A remarkable image for its rich tones and creepy subject matter.
This is becoming a nearly impossible task... picking a few great images from a week of amazing images posted here! Its almost got to the point where I could better able list two or three that I don't care for and then call the rest GREAT! Another amazing week of images.

OK, I'll give it a try... but just words as there are just too many images to copy here.

The truly powerful selfies of RobKlurfield, and his gorgeous image of Butch Morris and fellow musicians;

LynnB's continued excellent exploration of the oceanside;

ChEc's wonderfully atmospheric images;

Richard G's very nice series of beach people;

Patrickjames' "Man in Ocean"... gorgeous;

Darthfeeble's beautiful B&W 'mechanicals';

Bushwick1234's excellent frames filled with color, and that great graveyard/skyline composition;

Those creative and so interesting abstracts by bk1970;

Borrel's wonderful faces;

Ntruj's beautiful b&w scenics;

Krasotkin's, Chambrenoire's, and Kathmandu's beautiful environmental portraits;

Doug's beautifully composed landscapes;

Raids on-going exploration of his kids' lives as they've grown before our eyes over the years;

Sanmich's superb documentary street scenes... always so well composed!;

KDemas' nicely composed "Street Work";

Trevorgilley's and Moss1310's beautiful color images of life beyond my shores;

Harlee's simply contructed, gorgeous little snapshots;

TonyC's "Dennys";

Jellico's "Traveller II";

Francois.grivelet's powerful documentary images;

Hteasley's "Prison Glow";

Steviegy's "On the beach";

And all the rest. What a week!!
Last edited:
The 70's II, by Jack Conrad


Untitled, by Rinzlerb


Surfer, by Richard G


Lady in towel early morning at Szechenyi fürdö, by Sykomor


Slingshot, by Gswarbrick


Untitled, by Tbarker13


Untitled, by Jamie Pillers


Exxopolis Luminarium III, by Jw52tx
