Green banding still happening!


Local time
11:27 AM
Sep 23, 2007
Okay, so I got an m8 about 4 weeks ago, and it went back the next day because it shouldn't have passed quality control. The brightlines were running off.

Kudos to Robert White - they were fantastic and sorted me out. So I get m8 number two. Red pixel in the corner, slow booting, jiggy-jog dial - but hey, it's a cheap camera, right? Who cares ;-)

Then tonight, I'm walking home in low light and there's some kids scaling a fence - so I shoot (1/20s, ISO 1250, dng file, SanDisk ExtremeIII 2gb) and THERE"S THE GREEN BAND!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's running horizontally, I'd only heard about it vertically before.

What should I do? I thought leica sorted this, wrote out and apologised to everyone, recalled the cameras, etc etc etc.

To be honest, what I'm feeling like most is going back to canon, which never let me down once. Let alone made a complete f**king pile of arse out of a straight forward snap. In fact, a 3mp p&s that i got free shoots better in low light than this thing.


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Seems to me that Leica is aware of the problems they have created and they should have a fix for it by now...Their next step would be to recall all the older M8's and retro-fit them with the fix at no charge to the's called "Integrity"...very few manufacturers do this or wait too late to succumb to the inevitable and severely damage their reputation...
It's sad to read day after day in RFF the problems that M8 owners are having with their very expensive equipment...if I had the means to own one and read the review posted here I would either wait or look elsewhere...
Just keep sending them back until you get one that's right.

My first M8 (purchased in around June of this year) had a number of issues, but individually they were fairly minor. My Leica dealer, Popflash, replaced it, but the replacement's RF was out of alignment. He offered to replace that one too, but I opted instead to send it back to Leica for an adjustment.

I have finally had a properly functioning M8 for about a month - now I'm hooked.
jipps said:
Okay, so I got an m8 about 4 weeks ago, and it went back the next day because it shouldn't have passed quality control. The brightlines were running off.

Kudos to Robert White - they were fantastic and sorted me out. So I get m8 number two. Red pixel in the corner, slow booting, jiggy-jog dial - but hey, it's a cheap camera, right? Who cares ;-)

Then tonight, I'm walking home in low light and there's some kids scaling a fence - so I shoot (1/20s, ISO 1250, dng file, SanDisk ExtremeIII 2gb) and THERE"S THE GREEN BAND!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's running horizontally, I'd only heard about it vertically before.

What should I do? I thought leica sorted this, wrote out and apologised to everyone, recalled the cameras, etc etc etc.

To be honest, what I'm feeling like most is going back to canon, which never let me down once. Let alone made a complete f**king pile of arse out of a straight forward snap. In fact, a 3mp p&s that i got free shoots better in low light than this thing.

This banding is supposed to be horizontal. I don't where you heard otherwise. It has not been fixed by a firmware update yet but has been promised in a future update. I've gotten the banding once in over 5K shots. Don't worry about it and enjoy the camera...
Thats really poor. My 30d/1d have never done anything like that and I've fired off probably 50-60K shots on each. In fact I've never had one shot ruined by any weird artifact or problem on any of my canons.

My old R-d1 however used to get funny bleeds and lines in nightime pics, and so do all the other ones as far as I can see.

I'd be sending it back and getting another one. You paid 5k for it for gods sakes - demand perfection.
What are you complaining about. The green smudge adds a unique character.

I tell you I will not be first in line for the R10. Not second either. I will get in line maybe after 12 months if the reports are ok.
This happens with a very bright light source just out of the frame. Leica have said that it will be fixed with a firmware update.
Hi- Did you ever send it back? I sent mine back citing the green/ black banding, but all they did was replace the LCD screen and told me not to shoot near strong light....
Hi- Did you ever send it back? I sent mine back citing the green/ black banding, but all they did was replace the LCD screen and told me not to shoot near strong light....

TOLD YOU NOT TO SHOOT NEAR STRONG LIGHT!! bloody cheeky ba$#@ds. having paid $5000 grand for mine i should be able to shoot it where ever i like!!! mines only 2months old and iv got like a permanent like burn mark around my Lcd screen.
I know! I'm seriously considering taking advantage of the fact that it's got a new screen and a 'clean' bill of health and going back to film. Or a 5DMkII....
The green band you describe is the main reason I sent back my m8's. Totally stupid in my opinion to have to avoid shooting certain ways. I could live with the filters and the reflections they very occasionally produced but to combine that with the weird banding I saw on a very large proportion of my shots - I shoot a lot in low light on the street where street lights and random car lamps jump out from everywhere - and the M8 was a total disappointment for me. It's not to say I don't miss them in some ways, but I'm sure glad I got out when I did. At least the refund is back in the bank and ready for a Leica M that doesn't do such silly things. Plus I could afford to finally get a few new Leica lenses that I otherwize wouldn't have gotten.