

you will find more on my blog if you like.
Even more on my harddisk.

Kudos to RFF once again!

This morning I received a couple of emails from Melissa and I hope she won't mind my sharing just a bit here:

From Melissa:

..."Oh my goodness!!!!! I just don’t know what to say but WOW! Thank you! These are absolutely beautiful! I love them! Please do give each photographer credit- for they are touching each patient and therapist and anyone who walks in that room more than they’ll ever know."...

And to think we are just getting started...:D

Today I have sent each of you above a PM. We shall be waiting anxiously for your photos to be submitted either as a print or electronic file. Later I will revisit the original thread and follow through.

Thanks to everyone, you are the greatest!
Hi, Robert! Yes sir, you certainly were the first submitter and we appreciate that so much! Thanks for posting some more images, I just sent you a PM!:D
Bump for more hands!:)

We have received a lot of photos and still looking for more. I sent out some PMS and if you still want to donate some images, there is plenty of time. Again thanks to all!

This is too cool... We will be discussing printing, framing and artist credit :Dplaques tomorrow while we are at Emory.

Beautiful print from you just came in the mail!!!
Can't wait to give it to Melissa on Monday!

Thank you so much, my friend!:cool:
Mike, hey!!!

Nice images! If you can send me the high res files, I will happily place them in the file for printing!!! Very nice work, thank you!!!:D:D:D
Wow, the photos posted are wonderful!

I have received large files of images (or prints) from:



Anyone else wanting to submit their images for this project, it would be terrific to get them in by the end of the week so I can submit them to Melissa and work on displaying and photographer credits.