Hasselblad SWC is cool

Fall Copenhagen 2022. 903SWC expired 400TX (2013) in HC110.
Looking forward to seeing some more work!

What kind of issues did it have?

Slow shutter speeds are sluggish, focusing is a bit dry, a curious thin dark line runs horizontally across the bottom of the negative frame (maybe some kind of light leak), uneven and insufficient frame spacing, it needs a good CLA if nothing else. It’s already on its way to be serviced and I should have it back in a couple of weeks - hopefully none of these issues are big problems.
Sorry for the double-posting (from the 'show your film images' thread), but since these were shot with my Super Wide I thought they'd be okay here too.

My 1957 Super Wide (SW), just back from being serviced. WIth HP5.

At the Battle of Fredericksburg3 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg5 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg6 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg7 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg10 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg11 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr

At the Battle of Fredericksburg12 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr
There is no distortion seen here. Very nicely done, Vince.

Many thanks Raid -- I was quite surprised at how distortion-free the shots were as well. Doesn't really even look like the equivalent of a 21mm lens - the perspective looks fairly 'natural' to me.
Jeeze Vince..those are some of the nicest photos I've ever seen taken with an SWC..
...perfect subject for this camera...people in closeup..who woulda thunk..
I almost bought one at one point..such a nice hand holdable ultrawide.
But I've always considered this cam to be somewhat of a a stoic..and kind of a 1 trick pony w/photos that are kinda same-y and boring..
A difficult camera to make art on...
You changed my mind on that!
Great job!
That is why I called this thread "Hasselblad SWC is cool" . The lens is awesome.

I'm interested in the design of the SWC Biogon and other attributes of the camera that lead to it having such a good reputation for low distortion.

Is distortion, or perceived distortion, reduced with the square format, as compared to the equivalent focal length on a 35mm rectangular photo, where distortion becomes more apparent at the periphery of the long side?

Or to ask a different way, is the SWC square image utilising the centre of the lens image circle where there is less distortion, whereas a rectangular format comes closer to the edge of the lens image circle where distortion may be greater?

Hope that makes sense.
Jeeze Vince..those are some of the nicest photos I've ever seen taken with an SWC..
...perfect subject for this camera...people in closeup..who woulda thunk..
I almost bought one at one point..such a nice hand holdable ultrawide.
But I've always considered this cam to be somewhat of a a stoic..and kind of a 1 trick pony w/photos that are kinda same-y and boring..
A difficult camera to make art on...
You changed my mind on that!
Great job!

Many thanks Emile -- I think from the start my intention was to use this camera to photograph people (and not that it matters, but I have the early version of the Super Wide (SW), with its separate cocking shutter). The thing that inspired me was the portrait of Francis Bacon on Primrose Hill by Bill Brandt in 1963 - if I could make portraits with the Super Wide anywhere as good as that one shot, I'd be happy. I'm sure I'll use the camera for other subject matter, but right now I think my primary goal with it is people.

I'm lucky to live in an area that has a good number of these Civil War reenactments/historic interpretations, as they're an interesting subject to me and the participants don't seem to mind my presence. Funny that I'd take an interest in it as I'm not even from the US :)

Thanks again.

At the Battle of Fredericksburg14
by Vince Lupo, on Flickr
Wonderful pictures but I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Is it a movie set? Are the reenactors professional actors?

It’s just one of the many Civil War re-enactments that take place throughout the year in my part of the world. They are enthusiasts who are members of various organized ‘regiments’, not actors as such, though I suppose there is a degree of ‘acting’ that takes place. This particular event took place on the actual battlefield in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the participants try to be as period-correct and accurate as possible. Of course a few (like the fellow who was barefoot) take it a bit to the extreme! A good many of the people have family connections to the Civil War.

If you want to read a great book about this phenomenon (and perhaps an obsession to some), “Confederates in the Attic” by the late Tony Horwitz.