Hassleblad Mirrorless!

Well, now their PR department has kicked in and they're on the defensive:

According to the statements, taking the innards of a Sony off-the-shelf camera and putting an expensively machined luxury body around it makes it no longer a Sony, but a Hasselblad camera, because the hardware is just a small part of the whole. Oh well.
Well, now their PR department has kicked in and they're on the defensive:

According to the statements, taking the innards of a Sony off-the-shelf camera and putting an expensively machined luxury body around it makes it no longer a Sony, but a Hasselblad camera, because the hardware is just a small part of the whole. Oh well.

What a beat up ... credibility further reduced IMO!

"We decided to look at what we could do with the Hasselblad range, and one thing was to go back to our heritage, which is to develop cameras for more people"

And the occasional alien who may be passing through our gallaxy!
Originally Posted by rxmd
Well, now their PR department has kicked in and they're on the defensive:

According to the statements, taking the innards of a Sony off-the-shelf camera and putting an expensively machined luxury body around it makes it no longer a Sony, but a Hasselblad camera, because the hardware is just a small part of the whole. Oh well.

I dont believe this - mainly because of the old saying that "Beauty is only skin deep. But ugly goes all the way to the core!" That makes this thing 100% Hasselblad
What a beat up ... credibility further reduced IMO!

Absolutely... especially near the end:

"And, adds Alessandrini, Hasselblad is not forcing anyone to buy the Lunar camera. 'We want to be very honest: we have a tradition of choosing the best materials for our cameras. People have the choice – they can like, or not like, this concept. But we're not robbing people by making a huge profit on the camera. Our profit margin is the same as everyone else's; we're just using more expensive materials.'"

It seems that Hasselblad sees its vision now as using more expensive materials for what is otherwise the same thing. If they had been like that in the 1960s, then what flew to the moon would have been a Nikon F with a diamond for a shutter button.
HAHAHA dat swag.


Luxury doesn't want a large audience.

the new M camera is 'luxury'; buying an nex7 for $6500 is stupidity. i can put corinthian leather and burled wood in my jeep, and maybe i could even drape a porsche cayenne body over it, but it'll still drive like a freaking jeep! thats not luxury and its not a porsche. its just dumb.