Here it goes again: which camera(s) and which lens(es) ...


Dad Photographer
Local time
12:38 AM
Nov 2, 2005
I am considering a one week trip to Spain. I am thinking of taking the M10 and my iPhone.
As for lenses, I want to use again the CV 50/1.0 or CV 50/2 APO or the rigid Summicron 50/2 or Pentax-M 50/1.4. This would be the most used lens.
I am considering adding to the camera bag the CV 25/4 or the Chinese made 35/2 Summicron copy.
Maybe it is better to keep things to one lens?
Although i've travelled on many occasions with one lens.... i'd be hard-pressed to visit Spain or Italy for that matter without a wide angle for the architecture & narrow I'd suggest the 25mm & the 50 Summicron (although i know 21mm & 35mm is ideal for me).
If I stick to B&W rendering I could use the Zeiss Hologon 16/8 for exteriors and sunny days.
I have never been to Spain but have been to Italy, Germany, France, and other European countries. The many church interiors are among the many attractions. If you are into that sort of thing then a wide angle either a 21mm or 24mm will be useful. Other than that I doubt it’ll be any different than what you normally use in any city. I use a 21mm Summilux and it’s most useful.
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I don't know yet, Brian. The 50/1 is useful for inside churches. It does not have to be a wide angle lens. The 50mm lens just needs to be used differently from a 21mm lens.
I have never been to Spain but have been to Italy, Germany, France, and other European countries. The many church interiors are among the many attractions. If you are into that sort of thing then a wide angle either a 21mm or 24mm will be useful. Other than that I doubt it’ll be any different than what you normally use in any city. I use a 21mm Summilux and it’s most useful.
I am more into taking photos of people in the streets. The buildings around the people make a nice backdrop.
I have never been to Spain but have been to Italy, Germany, France, and other European countries. The many church interiors are one of the many attractions. If you are into that sort of thing then a wide angle either a 21mm or 24mm will be useful. Other than that I doubt it’ll be any different than what you normally use in any city. I use a 21mm Summilux and it’s most useful.

For a moment I thought you were going to start singing the Three Dog Night song "Never Been to Spain". :)

All the best,
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I once used the CV 50/1.0 in a trip to Italy. I had fun with it, and it worked well in open shade images or inside a church and if the light was bright, I would use f 8 or f11 for sharp images.

"Not sure how much you would use f1.0 for street." [analoged said]
With my available kit, I'd bring 'Cron 50, either 'Cron 28 or 'Lux 35, and maybe one other ('Skopar 21 or 'Rit 75). Not more than 3 lenses... too many decisions then.

If just one lens, the Pentax-L 43mm f/1.9 Special is almost ideal.

Hmm. For me, it would be a 50/1.4 (Canon) or 1.5 (Nokton) to have the speed and probably my Kobalux 28 as the wide to avoid a external finder. OTOH, the CV 21/4 would be tempting enough on that kind of trip to put up with a finder.

Good luck deciding!
Ah, I love your 'which camera and lens' posts. It's what I ask myself whenever I step out the door!

From your kit, the M10 with CV 25/4 in a pocket or bag just in case. As for the 50mm, which lens have you enjoyed using for street photography lately?

In my case, the lenses would be the 21mm Biogon, 35mm Distagon and 50mm Summicron v5. The Distagon would probably be my most used lens, not necessarily because of the 35mm focal length, but because I just love the way it renders. It's big, but I can deal with that as the results are fantastic. You may feel the same way about some of your 50s.
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Well, on one trip to southern Spain, I took the Minolta CLE with its 40mm f2, plus 25mm and 15mm VC lenses. I used the 25 a lot for the narrow streets and alleys and the 15 good for cathedral interiors for example. The 40 was a good general purpose choice. Crazily I also took an Olympus SLR with a 500mm mirror lens which I actually did use for some landscapes. Have fun! :)
Well, on one trip to southern Spain, I took the Minolta CLE with its 40mm f2, plus 25mm and 15mm VC lenses. I used the 25 a lot for the narrow streets and alleys and the 15 good for cathedral interiors for example. The 40 was a good general purpose choice. Crazily I also took an Olympus SLR with a 500mm mirror lens which I actually did use for some landscapes. Have fun! :)
The CV 15/4.5 is a very handy lens, and the LTM version is so small and light, it easily goes in a pocket or bag without fuss. I regret not taking it overseas along with my usual 21/35/50 kit.
50 is useles, except you want to tunel your vision to some éléments, fragments.
Or you want take typical, boring portrait with background separated to the blur it doesn't matter Spain or North Pole.

35 is OK, but limiting on the narrow streets.
I'm in Belgium.
Taking most of pictures on 28 mm, because it is on the phone and ricoh grd III. is good, 21 is even better.
I miss it, left it and M for now in Canada.