Canada how about a canadian club?

So you north shore stuck-ups don't want anything to do with Steeltowners, eh? FINE...I'll start my own chapter....
So far there's just dadsm3 (me), and mikeh (also me). And as my ego continues to splinter membership will increase exponentially. First meeting might get kind of wild though, they all enjoy beer.
I'm in with the Hamilton Chapter of Canadian Photographers who choose to use Rangefinders Club. I mean I do work at the Spectator and all.
We could even meet for a coffee/beverage one day... after this snow melts off.

We'll just have to work on the secret handshake.... and not tell any of the 416ers.

In case anyone is interested in the great north, I'm now importing to sell Zeiss Ikon in Canada. If you have any interest you could email me or check out my website...

Rob Skeoch
Sounds interesting. I'm in from NWO. Rob, I got your store bookmarked in case of GAS attack. Congrats on your new venture.

so is this for Canadians, people living in Canada or Canadians living in Canada? I am a Canadian living south of the border. Do I qualify?
mich8261 said:
so is this for Canadians, people living in Canada or Canadians living in Canada? I am a Canadian living south of the border. Do I qualify?
Sort of. Do you repent for whatever sins you committed that took you south? Do you forsake Budweiser for Canadian micro-brews, or at the very least, good-quality European import beers?

Oh, you'll also need to post a picture of your Canada flag tattoo. The more revealing the photo, the better. After that, we'll hold a committee meeting, and let you know the outcome.

Just kidding. Of course we'll accept you! :D
mich8261 said:
so is this for Canadians, people living in Canada or Canadians living in Canada? I am a Canadian living south of the border. Do I qualify?

a canadian living in brooklyn!?

i was born in brooklyn and live in canada!

strange but true...
Canadian Brew

Canadian Brew

BJ Bignell said:
Sort of. Do you repent for whatever sins you committed that took you south? Do you forsake Budweiser for Canadian micro-brews, or at the very least, good-quality European import beers?

Oh, you'll also need to post a picture of your Canada flag tattoo. The more revealing the photo, the better. After that, we'll hold a committee meeting, and let you know the outcome.

Just kidding. Of course we'll accept you! :D

BJ, I forsook Budweiser long ago, but I do admit to the occasional Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's so bad, it's good, kind of like a B movie. Now if someone could just send me some Grasshopper...
I'm thinking we include each state that Julian and Michel are in as part of the "Nation of New Canada", just don't tell anyone in Ottawa or Washington.. mkay?
back alley said:
congrats on the business coup rob.

my fear is that cdn. prices won't be able to compete with the u.s prices.


Just had a quick look at the website. I'm mathematically disabled, but using my calculator, multiplied Popflash prices by 1.2 (which may or may not be the going exchange rate - it was on my last VISA purchase), & Rob's prices are fairly close. Didn't get into shipping, as that's more than I'm willing to do, even with a calculator.

Hi Mikeh

I work in the photo department at the Spec part time, what would normally be called a Photo Editor but the union has a different name for it.

I also teach at Conestoga College in the Journalism Program.

I make most of my living shooting pro sports and I'm the Photo Editor of the new Canadian Sports Magazine that came out this week... first issue under our belt.

I also teach photo workshops with large format and import the gear into Canada.

I have a history using rangefinders though .... I shot for years for Doctors Without Borders in ugly parts of the world. Thats the reason I'm getting back into the rangefinder end of things.

Needless to say I'm too busy.

We should get together with some of the other local natives.

-Rob Skeoch


Rob Skeoch said:

I have a history using rangefinders though .... I shot for years for Doctors Without Borders in ugly parts of the world. Thats the reason I'm getting back into the rangefinder end of things.



You have some beautiful pictures on your site. Have you published any of your Doctors Without Borders images?
I'm idly wondering if anyone here happens to be a member of the Photographic Historical Society of Canada ( They're a good bunch of people. Very good meetings once a month in Toronto (North York actually).
back alley said:
a canadian living in brooklyn!?

i was born in brooklyn and live in canada!

strange but true...
Damn...I had a good Jim Beam joke lined up when this post knocked it out of my memory. Brooklyn to Canada? (I'm an ex-Manhattanite...the distance seems slmost as long, somehow...)

- Barrett
Hey Mich,

The stuff I did for Doctors Without Borders ran in a couple mags at the time.... there was a local angle for the Spectator because one of the docs in Cambodia was a Mac grad. This was years ago though.

I volunteered in the office years ago as a photo editor... most of the photos were just snapshots that the workers took while they were overseas.

The great thing was that I got to use Salgados work because he made it available to us... we hung out for a while and went to a few parties.

This was all a while back.

jan normandale said:
I'm thinking we include each state that Julian and Michel are in as part of the "Nation of New Canada", just don't tell anyone in Ottawa or Washington.. mkay?
Since when has Washington listened to anything a Canadian says? Oh wait, when Shrub hears Steve repeating Shrub already said.

(Ducking and running for cover...)