How do you baptise your lens?


Local time
8:40 AM
Jul 10, 2011
It was said that HCB baptized his lens by taking pictures of ducks at urban parks.

I mostly shoot people but my first roll usually consists of flowers.
There is an interesting tree in Philadelphia that I photograph whenever I get a new lens.
Sort of like a baptism.




I thought the word 'baptist' or 'baptism' involves some sort of water or liquid, no? If that's not the case, then I've been doing it all wrong all along, since I cleaned the front element with a little spit. Doh.
My parents couldn't be bothered to baptize me, so I'm sure as hell not going to perform any rituals on my lenses.
I have these ceramic Suns hanging in our patio...there's one in particular that at some point I will photograph with a new or existing lens that I own...either I'm testing a lens or my light meter skills...
It's very rare that I'll print that neg but I do look at them on a light box with a good magnifier...
It was said that HCB baptized his lens by taking pictures of ducks at urban parks.

I mostly shoot people but my first roll usually consists of flowers.

I wipe it with a soft and moist cloth to cleanse it of its "sin".
Then I mount it on my camera to give it New Life.
If I was a betting man I'd bet most here on RFF do so by taking pictures of their cats.

indeed on my first roll there is often a picture of my cat. the cat fur is a good sharpness/resolution test. furthermore an initial cat picture just gives the lens some good vibes.

another "first" picture is just one out of my window.
I'm not dummy... My very first shot from every lens is of my wife - even if she doesn't like the shot, she likes it that I take it.

Always makes like better (and another lens for my next birthday, too)
Balcony plants, looking towards Kobe Port Tower. Ideally, but rarely, while drinking Anchor Junipero.
Same here of sorts. I always take one of a family member without fail. Makes them think I care!!

I'm not dummy... My very first shot from every lens is of my wife - even if she doesn't like the shot, she likes it that I take it.

Always makes like better (and another lens for my next birthday, too)