How many of your digital cameras have failed?

Ive had 3 failures 2 minoltas (part of a global sensor semirecall) both fixed for free and a Canon 300d that developed a power supply fault. to be fair the first minolta that failed did so after 50k exposures and it was repaired for free 2 years out of warrenty. I bought the second one as a broken cam hoping that I could get it fixed for free I did and then sold it for a nice profit. But Ive also had film cameras die on me so its all down to luck
I had a 2MP Canon Powershot A60 that I loved but it just quit after about 2 years. It cost more to fix it than a new Minolta Z10, so I just junked the Canon.

I have a D70s where the image looks like a 16-color GIF in playback on the rear LCD, but it's good enough to check composition and it seems to give me a decent check of focus. I don't mind it though, since it keeps me from "chimping" and I check the histogram for exposure. I love the 1/500 flash sync and I think the color is terrific, so I still use the camera on a regular basis.
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Two of the three digital cameras I have owned broke. I threw out one that did not break since it was less than one megapixel. Most all of my cameras have broken at one time or another, film or digital. Digitals get thrown out when they break though. My Voitlander R has never broken, but the film re-wind is horrible.
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No electronic failures - all mechanical faults.

No electronic failures - all mechanical faults.

E-3 after only 8 months and 25K activations.


Also had the shutter fail on a Minox TLX within the same period from new.
The M6 is still going fine after 15 years - except for the common frame counter failure about 10 years ago.
One. A Lumix FX-01. I sprayed it pretty good with saltwater on a trip to the beach and it never regained consciousness! :D
I've had a Canon digital Elph die on me. Electronic shutter/circuit board issue.

I recently lost a Sony W-50, it fell about 18 inches onto carpet and stopped working. I haven't cared enough about it to send it in for repairs.

D1, D1X from the studio had to have all new batteries and logic boards after several power management issues. At least one of the 1X's was written off as a total loss.
None. In my experience they're all very reliable. I've had my previous 5ds rained on, beer spilt on, sea water sprayed on, dropped, kicked, and they don't really ever let me down.

If I wanted an all out reliability camera that could withstand just about any element it would be an Olympus E-3.
5 digital cameras, all still going strong. 5 yrs, 4yrs, 3yrs (sold that one), 2yrs, 2yrs.

3 film cameras, one died (Yashica SLR), others fine.

Computers come and go.
Never, last one that broke was a film one when a drunk friend could not hold to it at 5am ... I think I was 23 ...
Our little Canon 85a(?) simply died (sensor went out) without being dropped, wetted or suffering any kind of insult or misadventure.

I need a small 5-8 MP digi for chores and I'd like to get my wife a dslr for her pleasure, she was pretty good at getting above average results with the Canon, but unless we win a lottery or that unknown rich relative drops a bundle on me in a will, I'm not willing to put much money in a digicam for myself.

If I were to spend a few hundred plus dollars on any personal camera today, it'd be a second Barnack or Canon F1, second or N AE model.

Another question:

How many of your computers have failed?

For me: probably 50%, sooner or later (out of maybe 15 in the last 25 years). And even if they don't fail, they often can't run the new software needed for imaging programs.



I have had two iMacs, a G4 tower, a Powerbook all from these past 8 years died on me months after Apple Care expired. I won't buy a Mac without also getting Apple Care and now not so sure if I want another Mac at all. Never had any trouble with digital cameras, the exception being the M8,
I have had two iMacs, a G4 tower, a Powerbook all from these past 8 years died on me months after Apple Care expired. I won't buy a Mac without also getting Apple Care and now not so sure if I want another Mac at all. Never had any trouble with digital cameras, the exception being the M8,
Every mac I've ever owned: iMac G3, G4 Tower, G5 Tower and now MacBook, have worked without a problem. The first two, as well as every Apple I've ever used at work, were replaced when in full working order. They were simply updated to something newer.
Every PC I've owned: Dell, Panasonic Toughbook, and everyone I know who has owned a PC has had them crash repeatedly, been sent back for repair, needed to be completely replaced etc. etc.
But I know there are plenty of people who have had the exact opposite experience. So I don't think any of this really amounts to anything!
Every mac I've ever owned: iMac G3, G4 Tower, G5 Tower and now MacBook, have worked without a problem. The first two, as well as every Apple I've ever used at work, were replaced when in full working order. They were simply updated to something newer.
Every PC I've owned: Dell, Panasonic Toughbook, and everyone I know who has owned a PC has had them crash repeatedly, been sent back for repair, needed to be completely replaced etc. etc.
But I know there are plenty of people who have had the exact opposite experience. So I don't think any of this really amounts to anything!

Part of the problem is that I am in Hong Kong and Apple Service is run out of a sanitarium work release program. They don't get properly repaired while under warranty and then the problem gets worse until Apple Care run out. This is a far cry from say the service you get at the Apple Shops anywhere in the US.
One, kind of.

Digital Camera List:

Olympus DL-220
Nikon E995
Pentax Optio 330
Ricoh RDC-5300
Olympus D40Z
Kodak C530
Kodak C663
Polaroid x530
Kodak P850
Pentax *ist DS

Of these, I lost the Optio 330 (that hurt), and the D40Z (which was a refurb to begin with) eats batteries like crazy unless I use overvoltage CRV3 rechargeables. Everything else is fine.

The Pentax has over 100K shutter activations, purchased in 2004. No problems.

Pursuant to Roger's question - one of my PC's power supplies blew up a couple weeks ago. Not 'blew up' as in 'quit working' but blew up as in it went BANG and smoke came out. It was powered off at the time, too. I salvaged all the drives - no data lost, but I am afraid to power up the mobo and etc with a new power supply - they may be toast and take out a new power supply just to be spiteful. I'll probably toss the lot, except for the drives.
I still have my first one

I still have my first one

I still have and use my Panasonic PV 2590 that I have owned since 1999. I have taken over 10,000 images with this camera. It has survived many rainstorms, snowstorms, 120 degree track days, dropped countless times has made a lot of money for me. A Canon D30 that i never liked and kept only to impress while secretly shooting with the Panasonic and film cameras. A 5mp Polaroid that I bought for $10.00 on ebay. and my new 8mp Panasonic FS3. NOT A SINGLE FAILURE AMONG THEM. Being the frugal buyer I just bought another new FS3 with a stuck lens for $13.00. I am looking to steal either a Panasonic LC5 or LC80. I have big hands and the sub compacts are not comfortable for my big mitts. Computers have never failed, they have become obsolete or the hard drives wore out, I never turn them off.
No problems with any of the 4 digital P&S or two dSLRs. None, though, was used very heavily. And, like everything else i use, they were treated well.
I've had two Sony cameras with sensor failure, and a Pentax *istDL had a shutter problem (would not use a shutter speed faster that 1/125 irrespective of how the controls were set) after only three months use. That one was fixed under warranty, but it took them three attempts over several months. Bottom line for me is that I always have a backup camera if I'm travelling away from home.
I have owned 4 digital cameras, and all are still working.

Olympus 2020Z, purchased 2000
Canon Powershot Pro 1, purchased 2004
Canon 20D, from 2005
Canon 40D, purchased 2008. Already an obsolete POS, but takes great photos:)