How much to charge for photoshoot?



I have been asked by a friend of a friend to shoot some wedding portraits. They want me to come to their location and do some shots of the bride prior to the wedding, in her dress and hair done and all. My only experience is shooting portraits of my family members, I was happy with what I got, but I was reluctant to accept this offer, and told the person so. Flat out told them that I've never done it before, and they ought to get a real wedding photographer. Anyway, they've seen what I've done, they like what they see, they are insisting that they want me and are willing to pay me, but I don't have a clue what to charge them. I'm going to have to haul the lights and backdrop to their location, probably shoot for a couple of hours--- I have no intention of charging them what a pro would, since this is a learning experience for me. Hell, I saw a prices listed in my area for between $250 and $675 an hour! I was thinking more on the line of a hundred bucks for the shoot, and they can pay cost for the prints. What do you think?
I would be nervous accepting money for something like that - I think it changes their expectations and puts a lot of pressure on you to do something that you've never done before. Perhaps you can be diplomatic and offer your time and effort as a gift to them on their wedding day - all the while recommending that they consider a professional.

That way you lower their expectations and the pressure on you to deliver while allowing you the chance to gain the experience of shooting a wedding - I think that might be a win-win scenario. Good luck!