how to alienate an entire forum (someone dislikes the R-D1x)

....and one more! Downloading their whole SD card of the same shot on flickr. I can prove it if you want me too.;)
No, please don't... I still have a headache from the last guy I saw dump every image on his SD card into his photostream. There ought to be a law....
auto focus = lazy? just when i thought i had heard it all.

flickr and d40's etc. do not, will not, have not contributed to the end of some "stone cutters craft" you all think once existed. it merely opened the audience up. long before digital cameras came on the market their were hundreds of thousands of folks snapping away on their aps, 110, nuvius whatever. mini labs were everywhere. the neighbors "slide show" was an often used bit of comedy.
I can't see where KR is wrong about the R-D1x. It's an overpriced retread.
You could get a used M8 for less. You could get a Panasonic G1, adapter and have money left over for some really nice glass.
Re D40: I got mine partly so I could use pre-AI Nikon lenses on digital. No AF, no metering ... forces one to think a bit.
the neighbors "slide show" was an often used bit of comedy.

Exactly! Photographers and snapshooters have always been lousy at editing. Digital cameras didn't cause that problem.

Anyhow, if folks want to play holier-than-thou because they use manual film cameras, fine. I've just never seen a correlation been using a manual film camera and making interesting pictures.

Sorry about the continued thread hijack.


I don't read much of his stuff but just took a look. I'm not too impressed with his images, but certainly can't argue at all with his comment under "Your Camera Doesn't Matter:"

"Just about any camera, regardless of how good or bad it is, can be used to create outstanding photographs for magazine covers, winning photo contests and hanging in art galleries. The quality of a lens or camera has almost nothing do with the quality of images it can be used to produce."
I can't see where KR is wrong about the R-D1x. It's an overpriced retread.
You could get a used M8 for less. You could get a Panasonic G1, adapter and have money left over for some really nice glass.
Re D40: I got mine partly so I could use pre-AI Nikon lenses on digital. No AF, no metering ... forces one to think a bit.

Hmmm, the fact that you use M or LTM glass with the G1 doesn't make it comparable IMO. It simply isn't a DRF.