How to recover the initial photography interest..

After having some medical issues and being restricted to how far or long I could get away from home for a while (almost three years) I have been getting the itch to take photos again. But sometimes I head out, drive around for a couple of hours, and the feeling just isn't there. I do at times see images that I would love to capture, but just pass them by. Plus, there are a lot of new issues creeping into my sphere of influence that have distracted me from enjoying just taking a day to go exploring. So, for right now I'm finally getting some of the film I have shot over the last three years developed. scanned, and posted. It has helped somewhat to get the inspiration back, whether it's film or digital.

One thing I tell folks who may not feel motivated to take photos is to start small and close to home. Go out and document the neighborhood. For a starting point, head out the front door to the walkway in front of your abode. Stop, and look down. There may be something interesting right at your feet. If not, look to the right, then to the left. Maybe even straight ahead. Just start walking, and possibly an image will come into your mind. It doesn't have to be stellar, or something that will get several "Likes", but you have to get the best rendition of it you can. Treat the outing as a camera or lens test so that you will seek out images that show the capabilities of your equipment. After you work through that list you may be ready to just relax and take pictures.

Happy to share, that last weekend I grab my Hasselblad and told my wife to have a quick trip to the beach.
Had bad weather and good mood, good time and good food together that I will keep in my memories and in a full roll of film. First in a lot of time and I'm in a hurry to send it to the lab. I think that I'm pointing at the right direction.
Thanks to y'all.