Huuuge printing off my Oly E-M5 (Mk1)


Local time
9:04 AM
Dec 13, 2006
Doing a 42" x 72" print off the Epson shot with my Olympus E-M5 Mk1 (*) :p There's no class this week, but I still have to come on campus to work, printing off new posters for the hallway, organizing/cleaning the visual arts library and darkroom and what not during the winter break.

Camera phone shots as I'm still here in the office.


Closer shot of the print out with my phone.


printing a second picture (shown on monitor) then calling it a night.


(*) it's a merged composite of about 3~4 rows and 6~8 columns (the rows/columns increase towards the edge).

The image printed is this image here, each frame was a raw capture at 8 seconds, f/8, ISO 200 using a 1951 Canon Serenar 35mm f/2.8 LTM lens during a snow storm resulting in a 120 Megapixel image :


The graffiti on the left was cloned out in the final print, just in case it was an identifiable gang tag or similar, not something we want on the wall of the campus.
Nice image quality. I used the Olympus system for a couple of years, (have since switched to Fuji), but have recently been printing some files from the Oly and like the air and softness of the images.
Nice image quality. I used the Olympus system for a couple of years, (have since switched to Fuji), but have recently been printing some files from the Oly and like the air and softness of the images.

Are your originals raw or jpeg? (I only shoot raw). Because air/softness really depends upon my scene and settings.
Softness really is not a term I'd associate with any of my Olympus equipment; not even the kit lenses.

Karl, that's a heck of a big print.
Softness really is not a term I'd associate with any of my Olympus equipment; not even the kit lenses.

Same, short of shooting f/1.4 on an old Pentax-M 50/1.4.

Karl, that's a heck of a big print.

I normally wouldn't even think of going over 13x19 for my stuff, but they needed some new stuff for the hallway.
And.... Affixed :



Tomorrow I got some more printing to do of other student's work, though no single image was large enough from theirs to warrant something that big so they'll be at most 44 inches wide (mostly panoramic composites from the PO106 class). And then a few 13x19s from the other classes so the hallways are fresh and new for everyone coming back from winter break.

This is the hallway I'll be updating tomorrow after I take down and file away the stale stuff.
