I wish I'd never sold my...

The only camera I regret selling was my black-paint Minox B.

At the time, I had convinced myself that using an "invisible" camera would revolutionize my photography. It didn't (and purchasing/processing/printing 9.5mm film was a complete P.I.T.A.), so I dumped it.

The shop that I sold to offered me 3 times what I paid for it right off - and at the tender age of 17yrs, I figured I'd made a fantastic deal there (In reality, I expect I was very seriously low-balled).

Never the less, the proceeds bought a used Pentax H1, with 35mm & 55mm Takumars - and and those did more for me than the Minox ever did. Still- Minox's are pretty cool.
My first M6ttl. A bit rough around the edges after some travel adventures but working perfectly. I sold to fund an MP purchase.
A mint M6 sold because it was too mint! stupid
A mint M6 sold because I didn't use it enough! stupid but I know it gets used now.
A chrome M6 that was sooooo smooth to fund a 24-70 Nikkor.
I've always regretted selling M6's. I sold the MP and never regretted it.
I got hold of another M6 and have now learnt my lesson. NEVER SELL AN M6!!

Non camera wise has to be a BMW R100/S in the most beautifull maroon/crimson smoke paint. Sold to buy a Rolex Sub in '86. My Dad thought I was bonkers. I still have the watch but when I see pic's of the bike on trips to the south of France I still regret selling it. Replaced with an R90/S a while later which I will never sell, I'll just pass it on to my boys.
I really regret selling my Canon F-1 (new) since it was such a great camera. I still have my first 35mm, a Canon FT-QL from around 1971 and I'll take that with me.
Other than that, nothing.
I do however, regret buying more than a few things....
Black chrome M4 - needed the money for an SLR which I had to have for work on at the time - still regret it.

21mm f/3.4 SA-M - owned one then sold it - I have just replaced it.
I've never actually sold a camera but I have given some away. The only one I regret is when my son in Florida started to show an interest in photography I sent him my Nikon F4s. Which he sold 2 weeks later because his girlfriend wanted something for the house.:bang:. I would never replace it though since I'm now an OM fanatic.

my '56 chevy convertible...

my '56 chevy convertible...

my '56 chevy convertible...

sold it to the brother of a soon-to-be ex-girl friend...

replacement price today is...ouch!!!

breathe, relax and enjoy.
sg, aka smiling gecko, aka kenneth
I kinda regret selling my Voigtlander 35mm 1.2.
What comforts me is that the money will go to funding a Summilux 35mm ASPH.
I regret selling my RB67, even though the sale paid for my plane ticket to Serbia, and I like the 6x6 of my Yashicamat more than 6x7, and the Yashicamat is lighter and easier to carry about. Though I still wish I still had that RB67. Or some other MF SLR.
Regret selling MY SA 21/3.4. Sold it because it apparently didn't work on the M8. It does. Replaced it at the time with the pre aspherical 21/2.8 Elmarit.
Lucky for me, nothing yet. I have 4 Leica M cameras and was preparing to sell my very nice M4 that I bought from Youxin several years ago. I have been worried for a couple of months about selling it. I know I would regret it terribly. So, I have changed my mind and am going keep it, load some film and go out shooting with it. A close one but, no regrets. Jim
My '53 MG TD, my '68 Triumph Bonnevilles (two of them), but all cameras sold I have no regrets.

Did they have "King of the Road" Lucas Electric's ? :D

Rather like these . . .

....original Leica M6 and 35mm 'Cron. I loved the photos but found the film loading process fiddly and tedious compared to loading an SLR - especially in the freezing cold when you can barely feel your fingers. I've had to do a bit of saving and judicious trading but I now have an M6 TTL and 50mm 'Cron and I'm not letting either of those go unless I desperately needed to put food on the family table or a roof over our heads...
My Nikon F with Ptenaprism finder - sold on 70s
A MINT m5 sold about 10 years ago. Collector quality. Sold for $1400 :bang:
a few Hexar RFs along the way
a Black Paint m 4 about 15 years ago. I think I sold it for $1200.:bang:
35mm Sumilux ASPH. On the other hand if I hadn't sold it I never would have gotten the 35/2.8 Biogon-C, which is the best lens I've ever used. So, no real regrets.