I'd rather sell my organs than my lenses

selling organs...

selling organs...


was just talking to a co-worker about a client of ours that makes these, then I read this thread at lunchtime- so I naturally thought of this:


it would be a tough sell in the classifieds!

HA HA HA I read it all wrong for the first time, "I rather sell my orgasm" :p

I was like "WHAT" how the hell can you sell them :rolleyes:
...I sell equipment (not my organs) in order to buy equipment that I find to be somehow more attractive to get and use.


I also think it depends on if you really love those lenses or if you "just" like them.

During the last 5 or 6 years I had gathered an enormous number of lenses (serious case of G.A.S.). By today I have sold about 80% of them and kept only those I really wanted to keep.

But if thing got worse, I would easily part with my other photo stuff. Everything I have is replaceable. There are many parts of my life which are more important than cameras and lenses.
Yes, there are some items that would hurt to sell and still...

Although I still love to buy and try new gear, I think I have recovered from that G.A.S. ;)
I have this small Voigtländer 25mm f/4 skopar m-mount lens sitting here, and I never use it. I could sell it, but then I think that one day I might run into a cheap nex camera or something and it might be perfect for it... :) I just can't sell...
People who think their lenses are more important than their organs ... need to lose a few organs then re-evaluate their lives! :D
Camera is a light tight box with shutter.

Right, but then again... the body is what my hands are generally connected to and what offers me knobs, VF, and the image making medium. Unless you are immune to ergonomics, the argument that the body is nothing more than "a light tight box" is BS. In the digital world, nothing could be further from the truth. A lens by itself is just glass, metal, and plastic.
Let go. It will do you good.

Thus shall you think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightening in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, a dream.

Thus shall you think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightening in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, a dream.


I read somewheres that Buddha had serious GAS for brass objects covered in black paint. Especially where wear had exposed brass on the edges.