If you want to insult me...

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Roger Hicks

Local time
10:50 AM
Apr 15, 2005
... please have the courage to do so on open forum, or at least, in a private message. Sending hate mail to my web-master suggests that you've been banned from RFF and that if anyone saw what you wrote, you'd be banned again. Does this tell you anything?

(As you might guess, I've just had another piece of hate mail from some cowardly little toad.)


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I've appreciated your input here for sometime now. Thanx Rog. Hang in there and don't let the little toads get ya down.
a hate mail is a compliment from someone who is to stupid to express himself/herself
don't let them get you down
Sadly, most internet forums have their trolls and sh*t disturbers. Best way to deal with them is to ignore them. No audience=no troll. You're a serious contributor to RFF and that is something no one can take away from you...
That is too bad and indeed cowardly. Still, it begs the question as to why so many people feel the need to insult you? Good luck in getting this issue resolved, I would not like to be insulted either. Keep your chin up, sir!
A Chinese friend says that any nails that stick up get hammered flat.

You are somewhat of a celebrity here, and you have opinions that you express freely. The 'hater' that wrote you probably felt that their opinion stated in public would not carry the weight of yours, so they insulted you privately.

Not much of a flat-hammering, because their insult is known to nobody but you. And you can choose to disregard it.
should be simple to narrow it down from the IP. That will tell you the country and ISP. Then you can contact the ISP with a complaint. Also email the full details including mail headers to forum modertors as they may be able to tie IP number to user ID here as all IPs are stored with registrations here.
The internet seems all too often to breed casual contempt and hatred, or at least afford the anonymity that such a person requires to behave in a cowardly manner.

Your contribution to this site and community is unquestionable. The opinions we hold, experiences we share and knowledge that we both at times ask for and offer are in the main respected, appreciated and taken in the same spirit with which they are given. You seem to me a wise enough man by far to not let this sad experience trouble you for longer than the natural period of initial anger and disappointment that follows such a dismal correspondence.

P.S. Good on you for making a public yet tempered response. They say 'class' shows, it does; for bad and for good.
Ignore it. I know it's hard to at first, but once you realize how cowardly all their actions are, then you realize that they're the kind that is best ignored and don't deserve your energy. I have a few pet stalkers me-self.
Hey Roger, don't let the idiots get you down. People just want to argue with you (and insult you) because you're a published writer, and a successful one too.

Personally, I'm slowly but surely losing interest in all internet forums. There's just too many people on these forums who persist in arguing about everything. And woe to you if you happen to criticize a certain brand of camera or lens that they like! You'll never hear the end of it!

Jim B.
Hello Roger,

Most likely his got too free much time and has nothing better to do other than being a jealous and hateful. If possible, please ignore. If you can't make a parody about the content and him and send it him/her. :D
use the following website and put the originating IP number in (you'll find it in the mail headers). It will give you the originating ISP and if the person is a complete idiot, their indentity too but probably just the ISP who will be able to identify the person providing you can forward the full email to them.

Hate mail? Wow.

If anything I'd like to shake Roger's hand and thank him for all the things I learned from his books and articles. As well as discussions here in RFF.

Don't mind those, Roger.
I've always liked this story - I'm also not religious:

Buddha was walking into the city market one day and near the city entrance an old bitter man was sitting on a box glaring at Buddha, who carried a bright smile on his face. At the sight of him this old man started cursing Buddha up and down, left right and center, telling him how pretentious he was, how much better he thought he was and how he did nothing worthy of the air he breathed in this world. But Buddha simply smiled and kept on walking to the market to get what he needed.

The Next day Buddha returned to the market and once again that old man was there, this time his cursing intensified, screaming and yelling at Buddha as he walked by, cursing his mother, cursing his father and everyone else in his life.

This went on for the rest of the week and finally as the Buddha was leaving the market the man came up to him, as his curiousity had simply gotten the best of him.
“Buddha, every day you come here smiling and every day I curse your name, I curse your family and everything you believe in” the old man says ” but every day you enter this city with a smile knowing that I await you with my harsh tongue, and everyday you leave through the same entrance with that same smile. I know by speaking to you now that you are not deaf, why do you keep on smiling while I do nothing but scream the worst things I can think of to your face?”

Buddha, with the same smile still on his face looks at the old man and asks “If I were to bring you a gift tomorrow morning all wrapped up in a beautiful box would you accept it?” to which the old man replies “Absolutely not, I would take nothing from the likes of you!”. “Ah ha” the Buddha replies “Well if I were to offer you this gift and you were to refuse then who would this gift belong to?”. “It would still belong to you of course” answers the old man. “And so the same goes with your anger, when I choose not to accept your gift of anger , does it not then remain your own?”
Roger, I enjoy reading your comments. In a thread with copious postings, I sometimes seek out the ones I think will be more interesting to read-- like yours.

You also express yourself with candor. Not to say you're undiplomatic. But you don't equivocate.

And, as others have said, you're a high profile member, with publication credits.

Voila! All the attributes necessary to attract haters.

But you've attracted friends as well. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting, no matter what. You belong here.
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