Ilford films & Developers

Barrett & Martin,
If I can find XP-2 here, I'll try it with Lab development.
From what you guys are saying, it will come out looking
better than the Kodak 400 C41 equivalent.
Ruben, who already develops his own silver films, and I ...
are gearing up for my return to developing
my own HP5 Plus and others at home. See Link:

A factor to be considered is economy...
and here are some issues:

- Cost of XP-2
- Will I have to go to Tel Aviv to get it?
- HP5 Plus or Tri-x is cheaper in a long roll...
- I already have a bulk loader and re-usable cassettes.
- The economy factor of a liquid developer such as Rodinal
is also important.

Thus, I think the picture is clear, to coin a pun :D

This photo by GeneW [aka Harbourlight] in flickr caught
my attention for wonderful detail and tonal range.
It is in flickr's "Rodinal 1:50" group.

That's it for now. It's a bright day in Jerusalem, and I've got
some photographing to do.
Cheers, mike
mike goldberg said:
So far I've found stainless steel tank, reels, thermometers, etc.
from 12 years ago. Am still looking for a neat, small Paterson
graduate for liquid developers by the ml.

For measuring small amounts by the ml, I suggest that you get a syringe at your local pharmacy. Some are sold as "oral" syringes that aren't supplied with a needle, primarily used for administering medicine to children. They're an absolute necessity for measuring those very small amounts of Rodinal for the 1:50 & 1:100 dilutions.


Sounds like a plan. I'd only add that, while XP2 is my fave chromgenic b/w film, I'll put in a nice word for Kodak's BW400CN. If XP2 is tough or impossible to find, give Kodak's film a try. My only major issue with BW400 is that it's not easy to work with if you wish to make wet-darkroom prints (due to the orange cast, which XP2 doesn't have). Although I digitally scan and print my work most of the time, I'd like to reserve the option of wet-printing.

- Barrett