I'm ELECTROfied!!


Local time
11:40 AM
Apr 5, 2005
I got it today. It looks like it is in perfect condition. The light seals look fine and everything appears to be working normally. I tested the meter against my Minolta and that appears to be accurate. There isn't a mark on it. I'm shooting a roll right now and if I get any new pics I'll put one up. BTW, it does make a kind of clunk but it's hard to describe.

Congrats, looks like a sweet example of the type! Good job keeping a clear filter on it - should protect the lens. Remember that this particular Yashica does not compensate for other types of filter, though. Very nice, congrats!

Best Regards,

Bill Mattocks
Looks like you got a good one, alright. Hope you got it for a proper price. Mine, when I got it, looked as new. However, it needed a light seal kit. Been just fine since and what a lens!

Well, I just developed the roll and from what I can tell it looks good! I'll let the negs dry overnight and scan them tomorrow. So, it appears that the shutter and everything is working as it should. I paid $19 including the shipping. It also came with the neverready Yashica case, a Yashica strap, both of which look new, a Minolta 25 auto flash w/case, and a nice leather bag. The original manual and warranty card are inside! The lens did have a spot on it that looked to be a fungus spot but it wiped away with a cloth. Whew! I'll post a pic of my cats tomorrow.

welcome to electro-world :->) you will enjoy the ride - good price 19 USD - sounds like most of it must have been the postage - awfull to think that who ever sold it gave it up for a crappy digital plstic toy! - look forward to see you pictures - what cats by the way
Just ran a roll through mine and things came out fine except a few exposure problems on my part. Is there a manual I can download anywhere? Interesting camera, but an azalea bush was a tough focus subject!
Yes, there is. From Yashica_Guy. It covers the G series.

Then there's the very good Yashica Electro 35 G Series Specifications with lots of text and photos (about 11 pages). Http://yashica-guy.com/document/chrono.html.

Then of course there is Karen Nakumura's paen to the GSN.

Good reading...

Nice, tough camera... with a meter to reckon with! If it says red or yellow, just don't shoot.

I had one, but being a bit biased, I sold it after a while because I used it very little. Good things about it: lens, filter size and ergonomics. Things I didn't quite like: size, ASA wheel, and the fact that I never know what shutterspeed the camera is using.

But it's enough to "electro-FY" anyone who likes old cameras! :) Congratulations!
I just got my first roll back from my new GSN as well and Holy smokes it is a nice lens. the bokeh (or sofa for those inclined towards the modern) was buttery smooth and the lens was razor sharp. it did great with the colour film i put in, against my expectations...wow. this shoots better than my EOS 1Vhs + 28-105 2.8LD.
You may be surprised, but I'm not terribly so - and by the way, congrats! A well-designed modern coated lens on a fixed-lens rangefinder *should* be capable of better results than even a high-quality zoom lens; a lens which, although very good and very well-designed, still represents a series of compromises that a prime focal length does not.

The drawbacks in comparison of your SLR to the Yashica are many - you would not want to ditch the Canon and go with the Yashica for every photo. BUT, used within it's range of capability, it should beat the pants off of just about about anything that is a 'compromise' that tries to do many things well instead of one thing superbly.

I find the Yashica Electro GSN lens better than the Canonet - I know some disagree with me - and I'm a 'Canon Guy'. I like the Minolta Hi-Matic 7S and 9 lens about as well - and the Minolta has a manual shutter speed that the Yashica lacks. But the Electro is a FINE machine, no doubt about it!

Anyway, I wax poetic over this stuff and then I get boring. Congrats and enjoy! Post some scans!

Best Regards,

Bill Mattocks
I've got to use mine more. I don't think GSN's like just sitting around. Right now it's in my kit bag with Bessa R and Bessa L, so when I want to use a "normal" focal length, I use the GSN, which, unfortunately, isn't as often as it should be. After I'm done teaching next week, I think I'll just leave everything home. Just take the GSN. Spend a few days with it. It's not like my beloved Bessas are going to atrophy.

that's a great deal! I paid about $35 with shipping for mine.. of course I still consider that a bargain.. hope it sees a lot of use, and we see a lot of the results!
I do not think size is a problem with the electro it feels and handles real good - expecially compared to the camera that is in the "pass the Camera" project (canon ?) - I have the g and sold my gs - I keept the g because i like the "strange " design of the base plate. The two cameras are the same - the lens say color on the gs but not on the g but they are identical! Anyway if the camera had manual overide on speed I would use it more but the meter is actually more reliable than the one in the canon eos 100 i recently sold (when the eos was on full outo) I shoot mostly color slide film wich is less tolerant than negative film but the electro has only been fooled on real difficukt ligtings situations because you can not look exposure from one light metering and then move the camera without the camera setting a new exposure.
Love to see some more electro shots in the gallery
As soon as I get access to a scanner I'm all over it. I'm going to run some Delta 100 through it this weekend, I can't wait.
I have had about 6 of these cameras and they do have very good lenses and the exposure meter is good enough for slide film. Even wide open you get good results. I agree with Bill the lens is better than a Canonet and as good as the Konica Auto S2 or the Minolta Himatic 9 and 11.
I found the meter really great for mixed lighting conditions...dim, closer, off centre subject and a brighter background came out beautifully. if only it was as small as the canonet.