images: fuji 27/2.8


Really like this one; color, composition, "[edited-seems to be a pejorative these days]" - all very pleasing.

I'd like this lens, but I'm thinking I might like the upcoming 23mm more, as I really connect with the 35mm FF FOV. However, for a discreet walk-about lens the 27 seems hard to beat!
Joe, looking at your images in this thread, it looks to me that this lens/camera combination has lit a big creativity fire in you! Don't get rid of this combo!!!
i use the covert at urban/snapshot (pse) and then adjust levels...for all my colour to b&w images.
might not be the best but it's simple and quick and i like the look of it.
Here is some shots from Berkeley Bowl - just some quick grab shots to show the lens, first pano crop at f2.8 wide open

Next @f5.6 no cropping

Another @f5.6 but at around 20% crop

These were all shot RAW and developed using Aperture and my save processing affect.

Just got the X Pro-1 today with a 27mm f/2.8. Focus is a bit different up close - have to use the correction function with the opti finder. This camera is close to a Contax G series, my all time favorite. A little lighter than the G - wish it weighed slightly more, but the lens is small. The 27 has ok sharpness and bokeh.
Some shots using the Fuji XE1 w/ 27f2.8 at Monterey Aquarium before the pancake gave up the ghost on me the other day..



