New York In NYC/LIC Monday & Tuesday June 26-27: lunch, brunch, lollygag, gadabout?

I kinda made a big enough mess of creating a huge body of work to sort through.

Tell me about it. Mine is all digital, but still... a lot to go through. Luckily those books I've made will come in handy as large contact sheets of sorts. A rough edit has already been done.

The problem here is that Maggie is stepping into 6 figure deals and is pursuing a jet-set kinda lifestyle of a celeb. I don't like the last minute stress, the overbooking, and all the cronic busyness that does not make me feel alive. Call me a lazy slacker but I like a relaxed lifestyle, and because deep down inside I'm a loner, I don't want to live life so busy. I really want to live in the moment, and for me as a creative person I find that I'm most creative when I have a carefree life that is not complicated.

Let her do her thing and let here know that you have to do your own thing. You guys will be fine as l;iong as you respect each others decisions.

I imagine that your move has been a source of recreating yourself, and that you don't miss mucho NYC B.S.


Yeah, I don't miss the BS, but I miss my friends of course. I don't have any photography friends here. I do have a brand new city to explore and it's not as over-photographed as NYC. That's pretty cool.
Tell me about it. Mine is all digital, but still... a lot to go through. Luckily those books I've made will come in handy as large contact sheets of sorts. A rough edit has already been done.

Let her do her thing and let here know that you have to do your own thing. You guys will be fine as l;iong as you respect each others decisions.

Yeah, I don't miss the BS, but I miss my friends of course. I don't have any photography friends here. I do have a brand new city to explore and it's not as over-photographed as NYC. That's pretty cool.


NYC is getting a bit stale for me. I feel the shots I have, many with you, are more interesting and vital than the work I'm doing now. Perhaps it is the low laying fruit metaphor. I'm really glad I shot a lot. So much is gone.

I suppose NYC is mucho improved for the wealthy, but I'm not so sure it is all worth the hassle. I know having a darkroom is an essential need for me, and I have been without one for too long. Maggie knows that I need a place to work and a darkroom is a requirement.

She is afraid that the fame she created will go away. She likes all the travel, and her VIP status. It annoys her that I want to remain low key, I don't want to pursue fame, nor wealth; and it has been made abundantly clear I appreciate a simple life that embraces leisure and is not so busy. In a way I have an outlook that is more like Christian's. I have no problem letting her travel and leaving me a lone, just don't leave me with your stress.

I want to live a long time, and I know that means a simple and humble life. I think I sacrificed enough all these decades to basically do what I want without needing approval of others. For me money is not the point in life, and I want a life rich in experience and good times.

I don't think Maggie understands how her life seems to be a blur because she is moving so fast. I understand what racing is about because I was once a racer (bicycles). If you are not almost out of control, and not at the hairy edge, you are not really racing.

I'm at a point in my life where the analogy is I want to get on my bike with no destination, but I want to ride a long time to see what I might see, and although I want to go far, I don't want to do so much distance that the following day I can't do it again in another direction. In other words I much more prefer to go on long rides than race at a level of intensity that is not sustainable.

I am really proud of Maggie, but my greatest achievement as a man is making this woman happy.

I was in Williamsburg and Greenpoint yesterday. The mural that was being painted near the Williansburg/Greenpoint border is now finished.

It ended up being a a big advertisement for and showed all these forefathers just in time for the Fourth.

I did find out that "Maggie" does have some "Blue Blood" in her from her grandmother's side.

Maggie was really surprised how things have advanced on South 3rd Street where we had our loft.
