Iphone photography and better quality: Zeiss Exolens and Manfrotto Klyp


Local time
6:56 PM
Apr 5, 2005
So I travel a lot. The kind of work I do - I evaluate development programs - implies in the need to photograph people in their urban, rural and social settings. I haven´t been doing this very consistently, because I find that photography requires a mindset that is different from the one you engage in when, por example, conducting interviews or workshops. So it often comes down to taking a few pictures when all other has been done or stealing a moment when the opportunity arises. Another factor is the kind of equipment - I find that elaborate equipment draws a lot of attention and shifts focus away from the goals I set for my visits. I´ve used film SLRs, Coolpix A, Olympus Pen and Ricohs, but even with these smaller cameras the shift isn´t swift and smooth enough.
I´ve turned to the iphone as a tool that might provide a solution. Picture quality of the latest phones is, within limits, outstanding although the array of compositional options at hand is more limited, especially where depth of field is concerned. Importantly, people are used to phones and will accept it easily when you take a picture. It doesn´t solve the mindset issue - more my problem - but it´s a less interfering photography.
I am looking at accessories to further enhance the possibilities of iphone photography. I was looking at the Zeiss Exolens Pro lenses and the Manfrotto Klyp system. Does anyone of this community use these and if so, what do you think of it?
I dunno, that Zeiss lens is sure gonna make people notice you too. I'd just use the phone itself and deal with the "limitations".

Actually, I would get a small camera and hang it around your neck or wrist and keep it with you at all times. It will just become your thing and after a very short time, the people you will be working with won't really notice any longer. Something like a Fuji X100T with a very thin strap hung cross-shoulder style. That is how I do it. I can swing the camera around so that it hangs past my hip. No one really notices. I always have a camera with me (and a guitar as any proper blues-man would).

I think it is more about you and your angst really.
Last month I travelled to Vienna and Prague, bring Ricoh GR II and iPhone 6s with me.

Both cameras delivered good result, use iPhone for quick candid.
For upload to Flickr, Instagram, 500PX puprpose ,iPhone 6s delivered good images.
I edited imaged use Snapssed, free aps for IOS

No need additional accessories, standar iPhone 6S sensor and lens already good.

Not sure if an exolens is worth it. The limitation of adding stuff to a lens would be the very limits of that lens itself. So adding another lens to the lens of a phone will not improve things.
On a phone, I'd prefer better software for picture taking and processing.
olloclip user here.

i'm not complaining on the technical quality - which is ... let's describe it as "irrelevant". anything with the power of taking a picture is, well, able to take a picture takeworthy.

but the real problem is the discomfort, additional things to carry (or drop or forget), bulkiness, attention grabbing.

life's better without it.
I do kinda similar stuff, namely interviews where I photograph my subjects. I use a Konice Hexar for this, even now, because it's so beautifully quiet, I can keep talking and people don't pose.

For your use, I wonder if you will really ever get decent enough quality from an iPhone. I love Hipstamatic etc but... have you considered the Olympus Air? It's a great concept - simply attaches an Olympus lens to your iPhone. I'm surprised it's not discussed more here. The 25mm Olympus lens is cheap, tiny, would do good portraits and hardly any gear to carry around.
