ipod Touch for image back-up?


Over Exposed
Local time
7:40 PM
Feb 1, 2007
Hi Folks,

Don't know if this is the correct forum, but does anybody know if I could use an ipod Touch to back-up photos from a digital camera?

I'm toying with the idea of getting one and think it would be really useful if I could copy/view files from either my GRD or Oly E-420 whilst away from home.

As ever, all advice appreciated! :)

I'm thinking probably not since iPods can't tether to cameras afaik so a Touch would be the same.

As well, the Touch doesn't show up as a drive on computers either but that's not what you want to do. To get photos onto the Touch, you'll have to import them via iTunes which could be a beotch.

I'd be inclined to bulk up on memory cards if I was sans computer.
Not possible since the iPod Touch can only be synchronized with Itunes only, You cannot use it to back up your photos but You can use it to display your photos only a low resolution.
it's probabyl more hassle than it's worth.

You would need to enable the iPod touch for disk use, via a program like this:


THen investigate if the iPod camera adapter works with it (it allows you to connect an iPod to a camera via the USB). the Camera adapter was not compatible with all cameras - it didn't work on my R-D1. Maybe check on an Apple forum
Bob, I've used my ipod with the camera adaptor to back up the shots from the Canon G7. Don't know if it's compatible with any of my other cams though. It's pretty slow in use and to be honest I never use it any more.
Thanks for all your input guys!

Sounds like it's a whole can of worms. And I thought Apple had apps for everything. ;)

Not to worry I'll just have to carry a few extra rolls of that digital film. :)

I have an ipod touch, one of the things I thought I could do with it was use it as a back up for my camera on long trips. Nope! Apple disabled the feature to use the camera connector thing and I dont blame them, it was s***. If you used it on a regular ipod with a full charge it took like an hour to dump a 2 gig card and would eat the entire battery, and if you had a larger card the ipod would die since you could not have it plugged in and it would corrupt everything.

Get the epson thing or a net book. Its a million times the better choice.
I have a Wolverine 80GB Flashpack that I bought on sale for $70. I can't look at the images as it just has a mono-LCD (so there's a bit of faith involved) but it works quickly and accurately. Batteries last a decent length of time. I got it for a trip to Africa, backed up all my photos to the drive & carried extra memory cards too. No failures.