Jammed Bessa shutter


Local time
9:02 AM
Feb 28, 2005
This a post I made on CVUG. I thought it might be of some interest here. I had two replies that stated this had freed up Bessa shutters.

At a local camera repair shop a technician told me that if the shutter on my R4m ever jammed to hold the camera firmly and knock it against the palm of the other hand. First on the left side of the camera (film rewind crank end). If the shutter doesn't free up, try the opposite end of the camera. Only hit it against the palm of your hand. This evidently uses the enertia of the movement to free the shutter mechanism. The palm of the hand acts as a cushion and absorbs the shock of the impact. This, according to the tech, will free up the less serious jams. If the shutter is damaged as a result of trying to force the film advance lever, this method will not work. In that case, the Bessa must go on a trip to the repair shop.
Not necessarily. Push in the pin on the bottom plate, then advance the lever fully. That should free up things and allow you to rewind.