Jammed Shutter on My M3 DS

Uncle Bill

Local time
11:58 PM
Apr 25, 2005
I was exercising the shutter on my Leica M3 DS this morning and she jammed. It was overhauled by Jerry Smith at Kindermann over a year ago to the mechanicals are in decent shape.

The big question, is this a big fix? More importantly, an expensive one?

Hard to say without having seen the camera, or taken a look inside!

I've had an M3 DS set 'right' by a repairman in NL, but it was expensive as well as unsatisfactory. Had to send it in within the month because the repair was slipping.

I'm confident that Kinderman will be better, and work likely less pricey as well!?
Ouch.. hopefully it will be a simple fix.. I would call Kinderman and see what they recommend.

The one thing I will say is that Jerry has worked on several of my cameras and they have always turned out better than expected.
Jerry overhauled my M3 and made it behave like a new camera, I know he will fix the problem easily. I'm just hoping it's a simple fix.
I recall this happening to my M3DS a long time ago, and it costs me about $100-125 from Sherry to fix the jam. After that, it never happened again.