Just for fun: post your 2008 film statistics

I keep terrible records, but if I was to wager a guess, it would be something like this

250 rolls 35mm
b/w tri-x, hp5+, fp4, efke 25, 100 , berrger
colour provia, velvia, E100G, E100VS, kodak gold 100, 200, 400, 800, porta 160, 800

50 rolls 120mm
b/w delta 100, XP2, HP5+, Pan F, Efke 25, rollei infrared, sfx
colour astia, velvia, portra 160

50 sheets 4x5 (this is much lower than I expected, I broke my ground glass and have no replaced it yet)

Delta 100, HP5+, Adox 100, 400
Tri-X: ca. 100 rolls
Tmax 100: ca. 50 rolls
Tmax 3200: ca. 10 rolls
Kodak 160 NC: ca. 50 rolls
Adox 25: ca. 10 rolls

Tmax 100: ca. 40 rolls
Kodak 160 NC: ca. 50 rolls
Adox 25: ca. 5 rolls

New films in 35mm:
Rollei Super Pan 200: my first 2 rolls are the last ones
New Tmax 400: yes, yes, yes, lovely :cool:
Rough estimate:

20 x Fuji Superia 400

5 x Fuji 400H

3 x Fuji 160S

2 x Fuji Neopan 1600

10 x misc (Tri-X, Velvia, Reala, etc.)

So, about 40 rolls total. Out of that, about 125 pictures ended up on my Flickr photostream this year. The snap-to-post ratio is about 10:1.
A hundred or so rolls I think. About third of that is Kodachrome, the rest is mostly Tri-X.
I just counted the ones I could find:
trix - 67
delta 3200 - 12
BW400CN - 12
color negative - 8
Arista 400 - 5
delta 400 - 3
HIE - 3
plus-x - 2
delta 100 - 2
Efke 25 - 1
Efke IR - 1
FP4 - 1

Total rolls of film = 117

In this crowd, this makes me a lightweight. IRL I am considered out of control.
An interesting poll:

I estimate that I shot about eighty rolls of Tri-X, and three rolls of Portra 400 VC.

On the digital side of things it gets more precise: 6827 exposures.

How many 135 rolls in a brick of film? I want to buy boxed Tri-x but only see single rolls online. Thanks.
Used to be 20 rolls in a brick, but now there are 10 rolls. i don't know if Kodak still supplies the Press pac's. It was a box that held 50 rolls in the plastic containers, but no paper box. Great for freezing and fridge storage. Ilford used to supply HP5 in similar boxes, with the film in foil packages. Easier to fill your pockets with these and no plastic containers to clutter up the environment too. i tried to get Kodak to do it - but to no avail.
Kodak will also ship 300 rolls in 10 roll packs - if you want to stock up. You saved on shipping too. I used to buy it like that - 3 boxes=1200 rolls - nice feeling of supply. OK. in those days it was less than $2.00/roll. Now I use the Double X instead - 6000ft gives me 1100 rolls (and a lot of swearing in the darkroom loading the stuff in IXMOO's or regular reloadables.
I haven't the slightest idea how many rolls I shoot (should I say waste...) but there are two big piles of negatives on the floor to organize, plus the CD's from them.
Digitally it's easier, just chose the year and LR will tell me.. still, I don't wanna know.

You guys are incredible.... the spreadsheet is just overwhelming gosh!
Film: 1 X Fuji 400 Xtra
Digital: I'm guessing approx 5000 (mostly family photos) spread between 2 p&s, my then DSLR & the drf.
Let me try to remember just for the fun of it. I shot about:

- 10 rolls of Ilford XP2 super 400
- 10 to 20 rolls of Agfa APX 100
- 10 rolls of Ferrania Solaris 400
- 5 rolls of the new Tmax 100
- several rolls of Tri-X 400
and 7 rolls of Adox CHM 400.

In between were some rolls of Kodak and Fuji slide film (Elitechrome and Sensia, I think) and some drugstore rebranded Fuji colour films.

edito: I started film-based photography in November 2007.
Off the top of my head, I shot a 10-pack of HP5 and a couple more singles. I shot probably 5 FP4 (3 I still need to develop), 4 or 5 NeoPan 1600, 6-8 PANF 50 (3 I still need to develop). A roll of Artista EDU Ultra 100 and a TMAX 100 round out my B&W.

I got a 5-pack of expired Fuji NPZ 800 that I shot 4 of with some success, as well as 5 Fui NPH 400 and a roll or two of Fuji Press 400. I tried a roll of Porta VC 160 and Kodak UltraColor 100. I shot a roll of Velvia 100F over Christmas. I bought some Kodak Gold 800 that was like 3 years out of date but only shot like 2 rolls before I gave up on it, then I shot one more roll that I loaded redscale. I did 2 or 3 rolls of Kodak 400CN but because I'm planning on printing more in the darkroom in 2009 I may stay with silver B&W or at least switch to XP2.

Lastly, I tried Kodachrome for the first time and fell in love. I'd shoot it all day everyday if it made any sense. The 3-4 weeks it takes for me to send it off is just annoying enough to not really bother. I could cut that down by sending it directly to Dwayne's but again I can't be bothered. I only shot 2 rolls, but I may shoot more in 2009.

Most of that was all done since Summer when I got my Bessa. So far in 2009 I have shot another roll of PANF 50 and 2 of FP4, along with a roll of NPZ that is loaded in the camera right now. As good as 2008 was for me for film I have a feeling I will be shooting a lot more in 2009.