Keep it or not.


Local time
2:19 AM
Mar 26, 2010
I would like your opinion. My pristine M7 with winder and Luigi leather case has been setting on my shelf for 3 years, unused. The M8 is the only camera I use anymore. I am not a collector and I honestly believe that a beautiful camera like this should be in the hands of someone that will use it. The only reason I can see to keep it would be as a backup. I am also very interested in a M9. The sale would help toward the cost of the M9. That would make the M8 a backup, leaving the M7 to collect even more dust.
Last year I carried the M7 across the country to a workshop I’ve been attending every year for years. The workshop always did film and in the last couple years they started doing film and digital. After I got there, they informed me that it would be digital only. So needless to say I was very disappointed after bringing the M7 and looking forward to shooting slides for critique. The person putting on the workshop said, film was just to much trouble to have developed. I would not have been so annoyed had I known beforehand. The bottom line here is, film is no longer predominate in photography.
In my opinion the M7 is the greatest film camera ever produced. From the great selection of lenses to the fantastic built in meter and ease of use the camera just works. Leica even finally got the winder right. Whats not to like?
So, here is the question, would you sell? Bill
In my opinion the M7 is the greatest film camera ever produced. From the great selection of lenses to the fantastic built in meter and ease of use the camera just works. Leica even finally got the winder right. Whats not to like?
So, here is the question, would you sell? Bill
When all's said and done - it's a tool, and tools are for working - so given the circumstances I would let it go! :)
Sell it

Sell it

I would sell it and keep a cheaper M mount as a backup. CLE, R2A, Zeiss Icon.

M9 + the ability to reach back for film with a less expensive body. That sounds like fun to me.
Send it forward on its journey to a loving owner and make room for the M9. If you get the film bug in the future, mackigator's suggestion sounds pretty good too. Good luck.
Why keep it? Sentiment? A sense of duty? Nostalgia? Ask yourself why you would keep it, not why you would sell it.


If you want to hang onto a classic Leica film body pick up a really nice M3 or M2. It will sit in the cupboard without any risk of electronic degradation and there may be occasions when dragging it out and running a roll of film through it will be like a holiday from technology ... and a chance to enjoy the history that led to the development of the current M8 and M9!
I tend never to sell my cameras--I am very careful when I choose. I have found that I always return to a tool/camera at some point for what it can do. Since I am careful with my cameras (I don't baby them, but I know they will be in excellent working condition), it would be hard for me to re-spend money to get something that has an unknown history. I also hate shopping.

But that is me...
Obviously you're shooting color, so I couldn't see many reasons not to just go digital all the way. If you were shooting B&W, well, your M7 wouldn't have been sitting on a shelf for 7 years, so you've answered your question.
Sell the M7. It's of no use to you now.

You might also pick up an CL /Bessa/Konica Hexar as a back up. You might get the urge to shoot film again and you'll have something that can handle it and your lenses when you do. You'll have free'd up the M7 and gone with a good secondary rangefinder to boot.

Feel better?

Man up and sell the thing. Or you'll be known forever as a fellow fetishist in these parts.
Plus inevitably you're heading for an M9 anyhow. You'll need the cash.
If you need film, get a ZI and then you'll have the best of both worlds.
Any recommendations

Any recommendations

To tell you the truth, I thought the sentiments would be to, keep it, especially being on the M thread. The overwhelming reply is sell. I thank you all for your answers. Now that I’ve decided to sell does anybody have any recommendations, other than E Bay. I’m not real crazy about Craigslist for this type of item. Thanks for you experienced opinion. Bill
Sell the M7.
Here is a good start - but - you may want to include information in the post about where you've sold before (i.e. Ebay, FredMiranda, elsewhere) in order that you at least get some interest and people know you're not just trying to scam them (I'm not trying to discourage you but being honest - you've only been a member since March 2010, no avatar and no location and 14 posts).

If you include pertinent information like that and a dialogue can be struck b/w you and a potential buyer then you're way ahead imho.

This place is probably one of the best places to sell RF gear online.

I would keep it: I would sell it if I had any other M body. If I wanted an M9 I would sell the M8 and find the rest of the money elsewhere.

