Texas Keeping Film Alive in Houston-January 2009


Local time
4:30 AM
Apr 24, 2006
First post in this area. :cool:

I apologize for not posting these activities here sooner. Making up for lost time, here is our plan for January, from the Texas Photo Forum...

Film Crawl - Houston Metro Rail corridor

Jan 24 (Jan 31st alt)
Market Square/Hermann Park/Dancing Fountains (Main @ Holcombe)

Remember shooting pictures at a relaxed pace?
Do you have a film camera you miss using because the rest of the world started moving too fast?
Well this is the meetup for you!

This outing will be a slow paced shoot of areas near the Houston Metro Rail for film photographers.

The following is a ROUGH itinerary.

10:00am - Noon Meet up / Shoot in Market Square area
Noon - 1:00pm Lunch (Market Square area)
Transit via Metro Rail
1:30pm - 3:30pm Shoot around Hermann Park reflecting pool & Japanese Gardens
Transit via Metro Rail
4:00pm - Daylight lasts Shoot at "dancing fountains' corner of Main & Holcombe.
Suggested dinner & print review @ Star Pizza

*-> Add 'ish' to the end of all above times. <-*

Locations along Metro Rail Corridor subject to change as better ideas surface.

Additionally: I have sent an email to Rice University asking permission to shoot on their campus.

This outing will take place on the alternate date due to precipitation or excessive cold.
(Remember: It's hard to get a sharp image when you are shivering!)
When RSVPing include what you consider as the minimum, forecast daily high at which you will participate.
The outing will be bumped to alternate date if the forecast high excludes more than 25% of participants.

Link to TPF...


Come out and join us, Y'all!
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