Kodachrome Processing


Local time
11:09 AM
May 7, 2007
As we all know, Kodachrome is reaching the end of its life and, although I haven't ever used it very much, I bought a few rolls of the last batch for old times' sake. Ten days ago, I put two rolls in their process paid envelopes into the mail in south west France, to send them to the European Kodak Photo Service in Lausanne, Switzerland. From there they get sent to Dwayne's Photo in Kansas, are processed, mounted and then returned. Much to my amazement, those two rolls were waiting for me when I got back to London yesterday.

I'm moderately nostalgic about the film itself - as I mentioned, I've never used it very much - but that is an extraordinarily good service!
Dwayne's Photo is 1-2 days turn-around time, most of time you are waiting is for the EMS/Mailman, depends on the distance.
I have a completely noob question, i have one roll of Koadchrome and live in Croatia ( no dia processing of any kind)... How do i get my hands on to the prepaid envelope , is it a Kodak thing or can i just send them my roll via normal post ?
If you're going to miss Kodachrome.

If you're going to miss Kodachrome.

..go to Ektar 100. Exposed properly it nearly as good.
I too am a late-commer to Kodachrome and have found Dwayne's to offer an excellent service. I send direct to them and pay via paypal when the rolls are received.
Ektar 100 I like alot but it is a different experience for me and has a character of its own . I will have to try Ektachrome E100G ( an E6 film) which even Kodak upholds as the successor to Kodachrome

This is from my latest roll - I will miss its distinctive look


I now only have 1 roll left...I'm saving it for the Autumn colour. !!

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hi all,
very recently i got my hands on a family super8 cam, with used k40 inside. it hasn't been touched since the early 80s, and was stored in a safe dry place.
i'd really like to send it to dwayne's for processing, but was wandering - what are the chances the film is still alive after being exposed such a long time ago?
I've finally used my last four rolls, and sent this off last week. I saved them up for a recent holiday, so hoping i get some interesting stuff.

I'd never used kodachrome until last year, having heard about it being discontinued, I thought I'd give it a go.

It's been fun. Not the easiest film to use, but I do see why it will me missed. I've put a few images here
Chemistry for Kodachrome is completely unique - I'm not pleased they got rid of this film either (my opinion is they should have kept it on as a 'flagship' or vanity model) but to be fair to the company, they can't keep making the stuff forever to appease a few hoarders, who may never send in their film.

They gave more than enough warning as to the final cut-off date. Fair's fair.
From what I heard, Kodak did every effort or mistake to kill this film.
they obliged consumers to prepay processing (the US regulations stopped this nonsense at some point) so no other lab in europe would offer processing.
When E2/E4 appeared, it was quicker and easier to lots of people...
The for a long time, they simply didn't promote it at all. no publicity, no sales in certain countries, stopping production in 120, of 25 ISO, 200 ISO etc.
With that kind of attitude, it's just a bit too easy to come with a sad face and announce that due to the falling demand, Kodachrome is stopped.
I believe they are slowly making sure that stopping Kodachrome will be perceived as "fair" for a long time now...
Frankly, what I don't get is why Dwayne is not offering a transition period during which they will process K, let's say, by weekly batches.
Why stop everything when people around still want to shoot this film?
Personally, If I knew processing will be available for some time, I would have stocked on the film and slowly use it.
The service is excellent: I sent the 8 rolls I shot in Arles to the Kodak service in Lausanne at the end of July and more or less three weeks later they were back ! I'll miss this film, but I feel partially guilty because I shot many provia in the last years (cost reason) !
They may

They may

or someone else may do this.

It's better for Dwayne's 2010 revenues to have the cutoff date the way it currently is ...

Frankly, what I don't get is why Dwayne is not offering a transition period during which they will process K, let's say, by weekly batches.
Why stop everything when people around still want to shoot this film?
Personally, If I knew processing will be available for some time, I would have stocked on the film and slowly use it.
I've finally used my last four rolls, and sent this off last week. I saved them up for a recent holiday, so hoping i get some interesting stuff.

I'd never used kodachrome until last year, having heard about it being discontinued, I thought I'd give it a go.

It's been fun. Not the easiest film to use, but I do see why it will me missed. I've put a few images here

Great looking scans - did you do them yourself or have a lab do it? Any tips?
Although I hate to see Kodachrome go, I do think that both Kodak and Dwayne's gave plenty of notice. There's speculation that there will be an informal "grace" period simply for customer-relations purposes. (Hey, neither Dwayne's nor Kodak want to p*ss off any customers, right!) Hmmmm ... I better check to be sure I don't have a roll or two stashed away somewhere ...

I really don't think Kodak maliciously killed Kodachrome. Hey, it was a cash cow! All of the R&D was paid for, all equipment to produce it fully depreciated, very good margin, as long as it sells -- which is what I believe happened, simply declining demand.

There will never, ever be another Kodachrome! (Unless, of course, some cowboy is able to duplicate it, which is possible but highly unlikely.) However I've come to like Fuji's Astia for a non-punchy transparency film.

I guess I'll learn to live without Kodachrome, as I've learned to live without Cantoni's spaghetti, Evans ice cream, and real Coke. :) :(

Oh well -- so it goes ...
My dad just discovered 2 boxes of his old Kodachrome which he took in the 60s of Europe during his student days. I'm glad I have part of the history.