Kodalith paper?


the snow must go on
Local time
1:53 PM
Jul 26, 2004
I got a pack of kodalith 30x40 cm paper in a large lot of old photo paper.
It is maybe half full, some 25 sheets.
I understand it doesnt really work as regular enlarging paper. But i do want to try them out.

What are my options regarding processing and exposure frim a regular negative? What result shall i expect, pure black and white or does it have some gray n between?

It's an option. However i sort of understood that lith printing needs low contrast paper as it runs away with it anyway. And kodalith is very high contrast. Not sure what happens if u combine them (and that is also part if the question).

Any experience?
No, the grade (or contrast) of the image in lith is controlled by exposure + development. The "initial" grade of the paper will have no effect whatsoever...

good luck