Lab needs to know development time for Rollei Retro 80s

dave lackey

Local time
5:59 PM
Feb 20, 2007
Grr....dropped off my film two days ago and the local cannot find a development time for this film at 75F, using TMAX.

DigitalTruth has nothing.

Freestyle could find nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!:(
Would be intersted if you have a time and how it looks. I've only used Rodinal or xtol 1+2.


Will let you when we find out! My lab is locked into Tmax and 75F. Hope to get an answer by tomorrow...the film appears to be amazing and can't wait to see how this first roll turns out!:)
Here are the results from a test roll I ran today. Little bit of level adjustment in A3.
Yes, R80s is a bit curly but, it's not stubborn. As in, it is flexible and comes flat quite easily with the better scanning adapter.

Rollei Retro 80s 120 scanned by Epson V700 Souped in a Paterson Tank using the stir stick . Tmax dev 6min @20c Agitation the first 30 secs then 3 spins at min 4 and min 2. Full size available pre-levels by request :)

Mostly very flat dull light today from patchy overcast.



And one in some sunlight.
Wow! These are quite nice! Wish I had your skills (and memory). So, at 24C, what development time do you think would work best?

Thanks so much, Andy!:angel:
Thanks Dave! You are much too kind. :eek:

Cross referencing with other films on the MDC it looks like one reduces times by 20% when increasing temp to 24c.
Makes sense as the temp is 20% higher as well.
Depending on how narrowly your films are exposed I think 4:45-5:00 should do the job.
Those are awful short times to get agitation correct. If you shot really flat light as I had yesterday it should be fine.
Please post your results. Looking forward to seeing how the film looks with TmaxDev at the higher temp.

Wow, those images are spectacular, f16, particularly the lighthouse. I've been wondering about Rollei Retro 80s. May I ask if you ever used Rollei Retro 100 and 400 and how this new film compares? TIA.
Thanks Mel I appreciate your comments. This was just a test roll on a flat light day. The film has nice tonality and shows find details very nicely as well. High tones seem to block a bit and loose some detail. Maybe I should have agitated less or originally exposed a touch less. I put the 2 windmill shots in the gallery just for fun. Would like to see what Dave has coming :D
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