Lanyard for GR?

I use the wrist strap that came with the GR which seems roughly the same size as the one in your link. I don't find it effects the pocketability of the camera and it is small and unassuming when it is on my wrist and it gives a sense of security that I won't drop the camera.

It is however very awkward when you meet someone and they want to shake yor hand. It happened at least five times last night. With strap attached to my right wrist I held the camera with my left hand and shook with my right. Very Sauve.... Lol
I also use the wrist strap that came with the camera. It's handy while shooting and it can be ignored when carrying the camera in a pocket when not engaging in photography. I don't leave it attached to my wrist all the time.

I think the straps shown by the OP in the Amazon link will work nicely. Many wrist straps are too large and become a nuisance when trying to pocket the camera but these look to be a good, useful size.
I use the wrist strap that came with the GR which seems roughly the same size as the one in your link. I don't find it effects the pocketability of the camera and it is small and unassuming when it is on my wrist and it gives a sense of security that I won't drop the camera.

It is however very awkward when you meet someone and they want to shake yor hand. It happened at least five times last night. With strap attached to my right wrist I held the camera with my left hand and shook with my right. Very Sauve.... Lol

I also use the wrist strap which comes with it, as I have done with my previous GRDs and GR--even as I swear by the Gordy for my M9 and Sony.
Another user of the original wrist strap here. I've put a spring loaded toggle on mine so that I can tighten it around my wrist. It doesn't affect pocketability in the slightest, and like @j.scooter, shaking hands with someone becomes a dance of holding the camera in your left hand while shaking with your right!

In cold months, I sometimes wear a jacket with sleeves large enough for the GR to slip inside. With the strap firmly around my wrist, and the camera in my sleeve, the GR is ready to pop out for a photo at any time. With the right jacket, it's easy and keeps the camera out of the way, but always ready.