Leica CL 50 Jahre

This thread makes me want another CL badly. I had one, used it with a Canon 28/3.5, a Summicron 50/2 (early collapsible) that I later traded for a Summitar that I loved much more and an Elmar 90/4. Exquisite camera.
Perhaps my favorite photo taken with the CL of my son way too long ago...


(gah, I so miss Fuji Reala... :( )
I don't worry about the meter and battery issue.... I shoot mine without a battery, just like my other meterless cameras. Otherwise, it's a delight to shoot with.
I don't worry about the meter and battery issue.... I shoot mine without a battery, just like my other meterless cameras. Otherwise, it's a delight to shoot with.
With or without the meter the CL in form (CL/Minolta CL/50th) is a gem of a small cameraIMG_1252.JPG
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Well, aren’t vintage cameras a joy!
After three or four rolls of film through this Leica, when I started to load the next roll I noticed a crack at the base of one of the splines on the take up post. Rats!
I’ve removed and kept the broken piece and continued to load the film using one of the remaining slots. I guess this piece gets brittle with age because this camera really did not look like it had had much use.

Unless advised here against doing so, I’m planning to superglue the broken piece back and maybe “strengthen” the remaining ones with a coating of CA superglue. What do you think?

Of course it would be best to have this piece replaced and I’d appreciate any comments in that direction.

It could be worse. I could be into vintage automobiles!

Thanks again.
I wonder if a replacement piece could be fabricated out of brass, or more durable materials? 3D Printed? S.K. Grimes fabricating you the item? Goal, make a replacement which won't fail you for your lifetime. Built more like Leica!