Leica M - Post your Portraits

Superb shot, Jurgen!
There are lots of asymmetrical parts to the picture but what makes it so attractive is that they all fit together to make a very pleasing whole that has a compelling visual interest.

Completely agree. One of the best portraits I've seen for ages. Above all, it feels authentic.
Love it, Dirk! Nice portrait!

Beautiful picture. Love the bokeh! summicron 2nd or 3rd edition?

Thanks Johan and Ron!
It's a W-Nikkor 3.5cm ƒ1.8 LTM - I have been looking for one for years and only a few days ago finally found one!

The moment, that really hooked me on this lens was, when I missed a very interesting millennium re-issue, that had been converted to Leica mount in Japan. This event really triggered a big interest into the lens.

Now that I have the original issue, I can only state, that I am absolutely speechless about it's performance.
The shot with the young man in leopard jacket shows the strong swirl, the lens can produce in certain situation (which I like), but it doesn't convey how extremely modern this lens already looks wide open with extremely sharp details and already very high contrast - a lens, developed in the early 1950's mind you.

A pity, small pictures on the internet cannot really show this, but here is a very simple shot, that really blew me away regarding the performance of this classic lens.

W-Nikkor 35/1.8 @ƒ1.8 + Mono:




This is not a 1:1 crop of the shot, but a 2:1 crop !
The JPG conversion really takes some of the detail away.
I have not experimented yet, how many meters wide one can print shots from this lens, but I have the feeling the W-Nikkor + Mono is a killer combo for resolution geeks :D

My endless journey for the perfect 35mm might slowly come to an end after finding this and I might possible sell a few 35mm lenses in the near future (not the Nikkor obviously).
Aziz, you have some seriously good stuff on your flickr! Welcome to RFF ;-)

Thanks. I've actually been lurking here for a number of years. My old RFF name was Aziz, but I forgot my password and my email address I used for resetting the password was from a previous work email. I message the admins a number of times to change my email address, but they never responded.