Leica M8 price

Matthew said:
I expect it to hold value as well. Perhaps not as well as film Ms have held their value, but the fact that (as you say) the camera has no real competition, appeals to a niche market but a significant niche, and will have enough MPs that any anticipated increase in resolution will be only incremental (no one will be feeling Megapixel envy), leads me to think that the M8 won't suffer from the sort of price depreciation we saw in the beginning of the the DSLR boom.

Increased or different digital technology will undoubtedly cause depreciation. And technology will change whether it is needed or not, because that's how you create sales. Digital changes have slowed somewhat, but changes still proceed on a vast scale. And if the M8 is a good seller, then you can expect Zeiss and possibly Ipson or Cosina to get into the game. And you can expect Leica to tweak the M8 as technology changes. These facts and suppositions coupled with the tendency of many M users to have the latest and best, and the disposable income to do so, will mean some degree of depreciation. More then you probably expect, but less then other companies.

If I were going to get the M8, then I would get it with the intention of keeping it no matter what advancements or changes are made in technoloogy.
What most are wondering is if you buy the M8 and in two years the M9 comes out, what will the M8 be worth.

My thoughts are less but it will depreciate much slower than the typical DSLR. If Leica puts the quality into the M8 it hold it's own in the used market. I think that 10mp is more than enough for me for years to come.

What I want is QUALITY pixels in a QUALITY peice of hardware that will hold the best glass I can get my hands on. I am beting that the M8 is as close as I am going to get for years to come!

Received my first shots, developed from my new M7 this am and I must say I could not be more happy. After looking at these, I know I made the right choices in this purchase!:)
sgy1962 said:
...If I were going to get the M8, then I would get it with the intention of keeping it no matter what advancements or changes are made in technology.

I agree and based on the specs we've seen so far the M8 will be "enough" for most users. Whatever the level of depreciation it's not as though you will have to upgrade to feel as though you're getting good image quality as was often the case a few years ago.
Jorge Torralba said:
Harry, its cheaper than a d2x and will probably hold its value since there wont be an m9 in 6 mnth like canon and nikon do :)

True, it's cheaper or no more expensive than the big guns from Canon or Nikon.

For me the issue is that I really have no need to shoot digital.

Last October I purchased a Canon 5D. I used it a few times and then it ended up on the shelf. In the end I sold it because it was depreciating rapidly and it wasn't generating any income or getting used enough to justify its cost. Nowadays I simply rent a DSLR when I need one.

I rarely shoot color. Instead I'm a Tri-X kind of guy.

I don't have to meet insane deadlines or deliver pictures via satellite phone from the field.

When I do shoot a paying job, one of the reasons why people hire me is because I still shoot black/white film.

I'm really not that crazy about how digital looks.

I have a really good scanner, so in a sense I am digital while enjoying the benefits long-term analog storage.

BUT, there are certain issues that would compel me to buy an M8:

- If traveling with film becomes absolutely impossible.
- If I landed a job that demanded digital and would pay for the camera.
- If I really needed a difgital camera for work on a consistent basis.

But regardless I wish that Leica had been able to price the camera at $2999. Perhaps that is only possible if they moved production to China or somewhere, but nearly 5k is really pushing it out of reach for a lot of people who would otherwise buy one. In conjunction with a 28mm lens you are looking at about $7000 - 8000. That's pretty crazy, even by Leica standards and I'm not even sure if it is enough 'camera' to justify that kind of price.

Jorge Torralba said:
Harry, its cheaper than a d2x and will probably hold its value since there wont be an m9 in 6 mnth like canon and nikon do :)

True, it's cheaper or no more expensive than the big guns from Canon or Nikon.

For me the issue is that I really have no need to shoot digital.

Last October I purchased a Canon 5D. I used it a few times and then it ended up on the shelf. In the end I sold it because it was depreciating rapidly and it wasn't generating any income or getting used enough to justify its cost. Nowadays I simply rent a DSLR when I need one.

I rarely shoot color. Instead I'm a Tri-X kind of guy.

I don't have to meet insane deadlines or deliver pictures via satellite phone from the field.

When I do shoot a paying job, one of the reasons why people hire me is because I still shoot black/white film.

I'm really not that crazy about how digital looks.

I have a really good scanner, so in a sense I am digital while enjoying the long-term benefits of analog storage.

BUT, there are certain issues that would compel me to buy an M8:

- If traveling with film becomes absolutely impossible.
- If I landed a job that demanded digital and would pay for the camera.
- If I really needed a difgital camera for work on a consistent basis.

But regardless I wish that Leica had been able to price the camera at $2999. Perhaps that is only possible if they moved production to China or somewhere, but nearly 5k is really pushing it out of reach for a lot of people who would otherwise buy one. In conjunction with a 28mm lens you are looking at about $7000 - 8000. That's pretty crazy, even by Leica standards and I'm not even sure if it is enough 'camera' to justify that kind of price.

Whisperings-whisperings: Introductory price 3925 Euro plus VAT. In the shops from the 2nd or 3rd week of November. For what it is worth.....