Leica T (Type 701) Reviews Collection

The only thing about this camera that I find interesting, given the price, is the following from Dpreview:

"We don't expect to see a full frame 'T' anytime soon, but there certainly seems to space to allow for one in future."
You are right, for me as rangefinder "addict" the same. Nevertheless it is an innovation, that might be attractive for many (rich) amateurs giving Leica the money for further innovations with the M-line.
Other than design, which I think will appeal to a certain crowd, I don't see any innovation here. I'm sure it takes lovely pictures but it has none of the uniqueness of the M system or S system. Its just another small aps-c camer..
Why not make the next FF 'M' a "T" mount with a supplied adapter and touch screen? This allows for happy rangefinder fans and might appeal to the autofocus crowd. It also would move Leica into the FF autofocus lens market.
I have an M8 for small sensor,M9 for large. But could be nice to have when you want a camera, but just need some family event snaps. Probably too expensive for this, so where is the niche?
The finish sure looks vulnerable. I know the purists will say it "doesn't matter," but every scratch you put in a Leica of any kind is a fistful of dollars off the resale price. And I'm sure RFF readers can think of half a dozen systems that handle the same photographic role at a third of the price...TW
I like the control layout, but the lack of an internal EVF in the upper back corner makes it a nonstarter for me.
The finish sure looks vulnerable. I know the purists will say it "doesn't matter," but every scratch you put in a Leica of any kind is a fistful of dollars off the resale price. And I'm sure RFF readers can think of half a dozen systems that handle the same photographic role at a third of the price...TW

That is why Leica sells you a case up front.