Leicas in movies

I'm pretty sure Werner used a Leica of some sort (Barnack possibly?) in Das Boot.

A truly amazing film, too.
"Aimee & Jaguar", a German artfilm from 1999. Shows many Leicas in action. Including accessories like the add-on delayed release and baseplate-attached flash gun. It's one of the movies I've seen where Leica are shown accurately in terms of time (III or IIIa, none of the later models) or use. Many scenes showing the actors focusing, viewing and even winding the delayed release in the proper "Leica" way.

In contrast, one scene in another movie, "Surviving Picasso" (there are actually at least 2 scenes where a Leica figured) set during the Liberation of Paris in WWII showed a photoreporter with a Leica. But problem is, his Leica had a CEYOO flash gun on it,- and this accessory was introduced around 1950.

Another film where Leicas and other vintage cameras figure is "A Month By the Lake".

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Bosk said:
I'm pretty sure Werner used a Leica of some sort (Barnack possibly?) in Das Boot.

Buchheim wrote 'Das Boot' from his own experiences as a photographer on board of U96 during WW2. He himself used a Leica (that eventually got so encrusted with salt it had to be taken apart and fixed by one of the ships mechanics). His book "U-boat War" contains a good number of the 6000 photos he shot.
He died in February this year by the way.
Josh Lucas in the 2005 film Stealth uses a Leica M7 with a 35mm 'Lux when he is on shore leave with Jessica Biel.
In "La terra vista dalla luna", by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1966), there are a couple of two strange tourists (he is short and fat, she is tall and thin) that walk around shooting pictures. One of their cameras is a screw mount Leica, if I've correctly spotted it.

To revive an old thread: Vicky,Christina, Barcelona

To revive an old thread: Vicky,Christina, Barcelona

The latest Woddy Allen movie "Vicky Christina Barcelona" features Penelope Cruz using a M7 (my guess) and recommending it to her co-character instead of the digital camera she's using ...
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What was the camera Jimmy Stewart used in Rear Window. Could it have been a leica with Visoflex?
Penélope Cruz in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona." Photo: Weinstein Company



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I wnet and seen Coraline tonight. Last thing I expected was an M in a stop animation movie. Even better was that they even got the M3 style frame lines right (I think) when they did the through the lens point of view.
In a Starsky and Hutch episode (TV series), a guy on the street is holding an Argus C-3. That's an American Leica, I think.

The Mission Impossible series used the Retina Reflex III frequently and occasionally a Rolleiflex. A couple of the early James Bond movies used a Rolleiflex.

I have to confess that I can't recall seeing a movie that involved a Leica.
Teen sex comedy "Eurotrip" has one character with an M7, proudly displayed and described, and while in Amsterdam at a camera shop the cute female camera store clerk notices and admires the Leica and then takes him out back, wink wink. He later pawns the camera to help his friends continue the trip. I know, TOTAL Fiction. I'd never pawn a Leica, but it has helped with the ladies...
It was an Exacta I think...

The Exacta logo was blacked out (more stealthy? :D) but you can actually make out it's the model with left-hand shutter release (and wind-on, I think). Hitchcock actually used a dummy camera made from cardboard. Ditto for the long lens.

BTW, I 've read many times (but don't know if true), the story between Stewart's and Kelly's characters is loosely based on Robert Capa and Hitchcock's friend, Ingrid Bergman.

Great film. If only Jimmy Stewart were using a Visoflex, ah, can't have all :D
Buchheim wrote 'Das Boot' from his own experiences as a photographer on board of U96 during WW2. He himself used a Leica (that eventually got so encrusted with salt it had to be taken apart and fixed by one of the ships mechanics). His book "U-boat War" contains a good number of the 6000 photos he shot.
He died in February this year by the way.

In the movie Lt Werner possibly uses a Leica III, and since the action is during late 41, possibly a IIIa or b or c! From all the times I saw the director's and the uncut version I never manage to pin'point the exact model. And the caracter was luck that, that oiled rag didn't hit him when he was taking the photos...
(scene that in real life would happend).
By the way, what king of "ISO" he is using? Since his taking photos on the tower and latter in the forward compartmen.