Lens attached or no in your bag?


Hooked on philm
Local time
6:25 PM
Dec 15, 2009
Since I'm not a big fan of polls, view this in the spirit of a poll but without the actual poll ! :D

Wondering how everyone stuffs their bag
- 1 body with lens attached
- or multiple bodies with attached lenses
- or all naked bodies :) with loose lenses.

I typically only carry 1 body and 2 lenses (1 attached), but because of a recent malfunction on my sole M-body I've been trying 2 bodies with attached lenses in my bag (35lux and 90T-E) to see how this works out. I'm finding some merit in this strategy but there are some compromises, namely bulk - actually almost twice as much, ugh.

So what's your setup for street shooting?
Two Bessa bodies (R3A and R4A) with lenses attached. I usually carry one in hand when 'working'. Gives me a backup body plus the choice of loading two different film types/speeds, plus they're always ready to use. Generally use 40mm or 50mm on the R3A and 25mm on the R4A, but with accessory viewfinders I can mount just about anything on either body.
i like 2 bodies, each with a different lens and maybe another in the bag.

but lately and as i get older, it's one body with lens attached and another 1 or 2 in the bag. these lenses are tiny.
Two bodies, each with lens attached. Grab. Shoot.

Another factor: My kit is screw mount, so lens changes are fussy.
my everyday shoulder bag either holds two M cameras with lenses attached, or one M camera with lens attached and two extra lenses. I do either of those when headed out shooting.

though, when travelling to and from work during the week it's one body with lens attached and my lunch :)
In my "rangefinder bag," I like to stuff:
Bessa R3A w/ 40 Nokton
Ricoh GRD w/21mm adapter
Leica M3 w/ 50 Summitar
So yes, lenses on!
In my "rangefinder bag," I like to stuff:
Bessa R3A w/ 40 Nokton
Ricoh GRD w/21mm adapter
Leica M3 w/ 50 Summitar
So yes, lenses on!

3 kits with attached lenses in your bag? How big is your bag?
If I have too many options, my head explodes -- lots of blood -- ugly.
i always keep lens on.

i'm a one lens and one body per format kinda guy. if i'm rolling with more than one camera it's one 35 and one 120.
With my SLR, I always have a lens attached when it goes in the bag and I'll change the lens to suit the situation when I arrive at my destination.
My Rangefinder usually go around my neck with the lens on it because they are that small. If I'm going long distance with it in a bag, I'll take the lens off as I have a nice cozy spot for them separately.
Two or three bodies with lenses on. Sometimes another lens with caps, and another body with cap for easier carrying... In general, at least one body with lens ready to shoot under sunlight, and another body with lens ready to shoot under soft light. Even knowing it's an overcast day, I prefer two bodies with the same film just to have two different lenses ready to be used... Cameras set and lenses prefocused: all the time I get shots I couldn't get if not... Cameras hanging or in hand all day long without lens caps... When I take a bag with me, more than for carrying, it's for hiding my cameras if I need to do it somewhere, but most of the times I take two or three cameras without bag... Sometimes I use a vest: I can place there three cameras, several lenses, and lots of film and filters...


I keep the lens on my M8, but only lenses that are fully supported in the bag, and the bag has a good 1" + of padding all around.

The problem with many kits in bags is that unless the RF is laying downwards on it's back, the weight of the camera is bearing down on the hood or lens edge, which is not good for the system.

I use various diameter neoprene roll-ups to support the body of the lens so the camera is supported properly in the vertical position.
Street: M3 and M6, one on a strap around the neck, the other on a strap around the wrist. 50 and 35 lenses, but a 28 in the (empty) bag. Never carry a camera over the shoulder when doing street, for the obvious reason...

The M6 0.85 has a 35mm frame. I don't mind what lens is on what camera, I can shoot the 35 on the M3 using the whole viewfinder.
one camera one lens. Extra film and a spare battery (if the camera has a meter).

When I take a taxi, I don't arrange for a second taxi to follow me... ;-) ;-)

Only had one real problem on a two week trip but could sort it out with a firmware reload. If I ever have the chance to travel by car I might consider a backup in the trunk... walking and taking public transport means I want to keep the weight at a minimum.

A second RF lens might go in the bag for an overight trip, but I tend to shoot in extended cycles with 28mm or 50mm and don't mix and match. With digital it's also a prime - mostly a 35mm on a full frame body. Looking for a good digital wide at a reasonable price - but not looking that hard...

Now this is easy: I only have that one RF body. So it's either:

One body w/ lens attached (usually a 35) or
the same w/ an extra lens (usually 28/50) or
the same w/ two extra lenses (usually 21/35/75).

I seldom leave the house with more than that (discounting the occasional tripod)...
My RF "go kit", Leica III, has one body ( in bottom half of IIIg case )
usually wearing the 35mm lens and a Vari-focal accesory finder; also in the bag are a second 35mm ( one is the Canon 1.8, the other an Elmar 35), 50mm Summicron, 90mm Elmar, 135 Hektor, hoods, meter, film, cable release, cuticle scissors for trimming leader...

I rarely change lenses, so the LTM "fuss" doesn't bother me too much.

If I'm shooting an "evil SLR", it's usually my Pentax Spot-matic, with a 35-105mm Rexatar zoom; I leave the system case in the car.

If I carry a second body, it's usually an MF folder.

LF Frank
For street: M4-2 ,usually with VC 35 2.5 PC, plus Gossen D-flash meter around neck. 50mm 1.5 Summarit and 3-4 rolls of film in pants/shorts pockets.
1 camera / 1 lens, around neck or shoulder.. I try to leave the bag at home when I shoot on the street, it only slows me down.
keeping your lenses OFF your camera is a stupid thing to do if you want to take spontaneous images imho.