Lens cap for Rokkor 40mm?


Local time
8:39 AM
Feb 24, 2009
I just received a mint CLE with 40mm Rokkor, but it didn't come with a lens cap. Is it possible to put on a cap with the rubber hood attached? Should I just get a 40.5 cap, or is there any special cap to put on the hood?


The standard Minolta lens cap is deep enough to allow placement and removal while the rubber hood is attached. I have fairly small hands/fingers and find that it's a little tweaky to reach in there to take it off. As far as bitching about it is concerned, it's not one of those "curse the day it was invented" issues. It's more of a "I'm glad I can make this work for me" things.

Long story short - it can be done, but I'd recommend that you try to find the original cap or one that's deeper than it.

I really liked the Rokkor with a small generic 40.5mm hood and push on cap in the front.


Roland, do you remember where you got that generic hood / cap combination from ? I have the M-Rokkor 40/2.0 (with a Olympus 40.5 snap-on cap) but would like to get a small hood. :)

I really liked the Rokkor with a small generic 40.5mm hood and push on cap in the front.


I have that same hood (and lens and camera) as Roland and it was from S&W on eBay, I just could never find a good fitting lens cap for it. Now I use a vented tapered 40.5mm metal hood from Heavystar on eBay -- it is bulkier but shades a bit better and I can use a Nikon 52mm pinch cap on the front of the hood. Neither were over $12-14.

I really like the Minolta 40/2.
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Frank, thanks for the info ! :) One more question that I have, using an UVa filter permanently, would the combination of hood + filter cause strong visible vignetting with the M-Rokkor 40/2.0 ? The Summmicron-C 40/2.0 I had before was fine regarding this because the filter (series 5.5) fitted into the rubber hood.
I have the same lens and hood. I found that a generic 40.5mm snap cap fits onto the front of the lens and inside the hood. Not a perfect fit, mind you, but since the cap is recessed into the hood when in place it stays on the front of the lens just fine.

The original lens cap is still available from Leica.

Best regards

um not for a Minolta CLE Rokkor it isnt.

One more question that I have, using an UVa filter permanently, would the combination of hood + filter cause strong visible vignetting with the M-Rokkor 40/2.0 ?

Yes you can use a filter with the Rokkor and hood without vignetting.

To the original post, try get an genuine CLE lens cap if you can, they just fit better all around.
Roland, do you remember where you got that generic hood / cap combination from ? I have the M-Rokkor 40/2.0 (with a Olympus 40.5 snap-on cap) but would like to get a small hood. :)

This is it, I believe, Gabor: 110322494973. Comes with cap, BTW. And works with filter, too, as you see in my photo.

Just ordered another one in 39mm for my Summicron.


Danke Roland !! :) Er hatte noch zwei in 40.5, eine davon habe ich grade bei ihm gekauft. :D